Working out different things not only keeps you more interested in going to the gym, but is also good for your body to use different muscles. Here are a few ways I suggest switching up your workout:
Cardio is important! A person should get their heart rate up for at least twenty minutes a day to stay healthy. Running, biking, rowing, elliptical, stairs. There are a number of ways to get your heart rate up for a sustained period of time. You can run for distance or even work on your fast twitch muscles by doing sprints.
Leg day is my favorite day. Usually I start off with back squat because I use the most weight here. For each different workout, I do three to four rounds of ten repetitions each. I increase the weight after each round. After back squat I move on to the leg press; I use this for both thighs and calves. Seated leg curl and Leg extension are usually how I finish off the day.
Arms, Abs, and Circuit:
I workout my arms and abs on the same day to break them up (they’re not my favorite). I use a circuit training method to work out these parts of my body. For example, I’ll do 30 sit ups, 20 push ups and a one minute plank. After a thirty second break I use ten pound weights to do 15 bicep curls, one hundred russian twists, and 15 repetitions of raising both arms straight up out of my sides. I alternate these sets until I’ve done them three times each.
Sometimes to give my body a break, I’ll take a day and only do yoga. This is a great way to engage all the muscles of your body while building strength, improving flexibility and giving your body a great stretch. Not to mention it’s relaxing and mentally beneficial.