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Time To Spring Clean Before You Move Out Your Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.
Make a schedule

By making a schedule you’re more likely to stick to it. Having a specific task picked out for each day means it won’t seem like an overwhelming task and you can focus on one small thing at a time.


Having less of a mess surrounding you makes you more effecient and keeps you organized. Sometimes having a messy room can cause stress, and with finals season sneaking up, the less stress the better. 

Be Green when you Spring Clean

Whether that means recycling things you no longer want, finding new uses for old things, or just giving away clothes to the less fortunate. There are always tons of ways to Be Green and help our planet and our community out when Spring Cleaning.

Don’t forget your walls and windows!

Giving your windows a nice cleaning before you leave is a must! Especially since tey probably haven’t been cleaned since you moved into the dorm in September. And please make sure you cover an chips in the paint and clear off any stains on the walls. You don’t want to be fined $50 over something you could have easily fixed yourself. 


Hopefully you’ve been cleaning your bathroom at least once a week (and if you haven’t that’s a BIG YIKE), but just because you’ve been cleaning it doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve a DEEP clean before you move out. 

By getting a head start and doing a bulk of your Spring Cleaning before finals, you no longer have to stress about cleaning and packing during or right after finals. 

Hi! My name is Kiah Conway and I'm a double major in Journalism and Creative Writing here at Seton Hall. I am one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus, as well as a Chapter Advisor for some HC Chapters. If it wasn't already obvious, I am really passionate about writing. I'm also a serious Netflix addict and book lover. In between binge watching Marvel movies and doing homework, I spend my time hardcore Pinteresting and writing short stories.