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10 Phases of Midterms as Told by Cats

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

It’s that time in the semester once again, where we all attempt to cram half a semesters worth of knowledge into our brain in less than a week (or in one night for all you professional procrastinators out there). It’s a very stressful and emotional time as a student. Without further adeiu, here is a storyline of the emotions and phases of midterms….as told by cats.

1. When you realize that miderms are next week

2. When you see how much your midterm is worth toward your final grade

3. When the teacher hands out the study guide and you see how much information you have to know

4. When your friends go out without you while you’re studying

5. When someone asks how you’re doing 


6. Trying to keep a positive attitude


7. Waking up knowing it’s test day

8. Walking into the test

9. After looking at the first question on the exam

10. Waiting on midterm grades to come out