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12 Places We Wish Pub Bucks Worked

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Have you ever left your wallet in your dorm room and had to trek back just to spend real money? The words “Man, I wish I could use my Pub bucks here” have definitely crossed my mind on multiple occasions. Your Tiger bucks, affectionately known as Pub bucks, are currently only useful at the Pub and the Globe. So where else would you want to spend your Pub bucks?


1. Sonic

If Sewanee students could use their Pub bucks at Sonic, can you imagine Happy Hour?? Personally, I ove Sonic, especially from 2-4. Not only are the drinks half-priced, but corn dogs and some other snacks are half-priced as well. YUMMY!


2. Market

This one is multi-faceted. 1. Pizza 2. Snacks 3. 6-pack 4. Milkshake from that weird machine 5. Icee. The list could go on and on.


3. SPO

This one is just practical. Ever needed a stamp? Stamps aren’t free, dude. Annie Blanks agreed, “It’s so frustrating when I can’t scrounge up like 64 cents just to pay for a stamp.”


4. Bookstore

Not for books clearly. But the bookstore has tons of school supplies, Sewanee apparel and snacky-snacks.


5. CVS

You know, for ALL of the things you need.


6. High Point

Ok. This one might be a little impractical, but Delicious! “#brokeafteronemeal,” said junior Maria Granello.


7. Shenanigans

Any place in downtown Sewanee with a fun atmosphere that serves food and beer. Yeah, I’d spend my Pub bucks there. Which also goes for the next three places on this list.


8. Crust

They’d probably run out of dough and cheese if students could use their Pub bucks here.


9. Julia’s

For all the diet-restricted and health-conscious individuals, this would be an excellent additional use for Pub bucks.


10. Blue Chair

I’m not sure Blue Chair would have enough room for all the people that would show up for Trivia Night.


11. Mi Casa

Can you say margaritas and queso? It wouldn’t take long to run out of Pub bucks.


12. Stirling’s

“My number 1 is Stirling’s for sure,” said sophomore Kathleen Kelso. It is conveniently located with good coffee and delicious food. Honestly, I’m surprised students haven’t petitioned to use their Pub bucks here.


But then again, I’d rather save my Pub bucks for the Pub. They disappear all too quickly. And for any individuals that do not use their Pub bucks, do a good deed: buy your friends food! I’m sure no one will complain.

Sarah Christie, C'16, is a biochemistry major and French minor at Sewanee. When she graduates, she wants to go to vet school. She loves dancing like nobody is watching, meeting new people, eating Pub food, riding horses, and writing for Her Campus.