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5 Awesome Sewanee Date Spots

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

You brush hands at the pasta station. He pulls out your chair for you in a cozy alcove at the end of frat side. You look longingly into each other’s eyes as you contemplate the true meaning of “Keep Calm and Use One Less Napkin”. He squeezes grease out of that deliciously undercooked taco while you sip on your succulent carrot water.

If the above scenario doesn’t sound like an ideal date night to you, don’t worry– there are other places than McClurg to have the perfect romantic evening with your significant other. We go to school on 13,000 acres of incredibly unique potential date spots; so, the next time your guy tries to convince you that spending his Pub Bucks on you is the biggest romantic gesture he can offer, grab some sandwiches and a bottle of wine and take him to any one of these awesome date spots right here on the Domain. 

1. Proctor’s Hall

Do you and your guy like to live on the edge? Located on the Perimeter Trail right in between Morgan’s Steep and the Cross, this little-known lovers’ hideaway is the perfect spot for any couple wishing to put a little risk in their romance. This spacious rock jutting off the side of the mountain overlooks the beautiful Cumberland Plateau and provides picturesque scenery that will instantly spice up any date night. It’s not recommended that you bring wine on this date though, since one accidental stumble could send you plummeting off the side of the mountain, which could certainly put a damper on the date.

2. Fiery Gizzard

During the hot summer months, what’s better than taking a dip in the crystal clear water underneath the shade of tall Tennessee trees? And by a dip, I mean a terrifying 30-foot jump off the side of a cliff into the icy cold water below. Any thrill-seeking or moderately adventurous couple will surely enjoy this cozy forest hideaway. A picnic by the cove and some cuddling behind the waterfall to cap off the day’s hike is a sure recipe for romance.  

3. Greens View

Spread out that picnic blanket, pour some wine in your Solo cups and sit back and enjoy this postcard view. There’s no need for awkward small talk when you’ve got an entire Tennessee valley spread out in front of you—just sit back, relax, and enjoy the moment. The only downside to this spot: it also happens to be a popular parking spot for star-crossed lovers getting it on the backseat, so I don’t advise coming to this spot in the middle of the night between Thursday and Saturday.      

4. Lake Cheston

Cap off your waterfront picnic dinner with a little skinny-dipping under the stars. Even though feeling the muddy bottom of the lake squish between your toes may not be the sexiest thing in the world, it’s the thought that counts. Caution: be careful not to confuse Lake Cheston with Lake Trez. You might walk away from the date with a new infection instead of a new affection. 

5. Abbo’s Alley

Take a romantic evening stroll through Sewanee’s very own Narnia. Meandering through the lush greenery and bubbling creeks, you might even spot the occasional woodland creature. However, remember that these creatures probably aren’t as friendly as Mr. Tumnus – the Sewanee deer don’t mess around. End the evening with some light reading, like Dr. Haskell’s The Forest Unseen, and go stargazing on the Quad.   



Annie is a senior English major and Women's and Gender Studies minor from Macon, GA.