1. “How do you say *untranslatable slang word*?”Or some other impossibly complicated phrase, making it look like you don’t speak the language at all.
2. “Do you want to teach?”Have you ever seen me around a large group of children? No, thank you.
3. “Are you fluent?”Fluent is a strong word. Are you even fluent in English?
4. “What does *well-known song lyric* mean?”For any French majors, it’s “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi…ce soir?”
5. “Did you study abroad? Do you miss it?”Only every day of my LIFE.
6. “Why did you choose *language you study*? Isn’t *language you don’t study* more useful?”Well it’s a little late now, don’t ya think?
7. “So you must be going to graduate school?”Because I guess knowing a foreign language would be useless otherwise?
8. “What are you going to do with that?”I don’t know, whatever I want!