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Introducing The Beloved Residence Halls of Sewanee…And Their Nicknames

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

We’re sure all schools have wonderful opinions of their well beloved dorms, but Sewanee has a love so deep that it leads to naming them kindly… or not so kindly. 

Benedict: Benedick, Benny
Cannon: Cannon Cult… the Freshman class of 2013 even had their own handsign
Cleveland: Dirty Cleve, Clevage
Gorgas: Gorgasm, Gorgass, G-spot (and as for the recent poop incident…. EWWWWW… WHY?!)
Hodgson: the Hodge, Hodgepodge
Humphreys: Hump de Dump, Humps, the Hump
Johnson: Sweaty J, Sticky J
McCrady: McCrazy, Mc$h#tty
Quintard: Quinturd
St. Lukes: Slukes
Trezevant: enough said that those unfortunate women leaving Trez are called “Treztitutes”
Tuckaway: F#”*kaway (Guess nobody likes being around the ghosts in Tuckaway?)
And as for the following… clearly they need to be loved a little more. Maybe we can find some clever names for the future of these special dorms??


Madi is a Senior from Asheville, North Carolina. She has written for the Sewanee chapter of Her Campus since it was founded her Freshman year, and hopes to continue writing after graduation either as a journalist or through work in Public Relations. She loves laughing and hearing people's life stories!