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Movies For Those Cold Nights In

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Let’s face it: Sometimes all a girl needs is a good chick flick to cuddle up to during those cold winter nights. Urban Dictionary defines “chick flick” as “A film that indulges in the hopes and dreams of women and/or girls” or “A film that has a happy, fuzzy, ridiculously unrealistic ending.”  Whether you can convince your man to watch it with you or you would rather watch alone and pretend you are being passionately kissed by Ryan Gosling in the rain, chick-flicks provide laughter, romance, and the sometimes a necessary cry. Below is a majorly condensed compilation of the best chick flicks that have never let me down, and believe me, the original list was almost 100 movies long.  They are in no particular order because, let’s face it, every chick flick has it’s importance in one way or another.

  1. Mean Girls (No explanation needed.)

  1. John Tucker Must Die (“Don’t get mad, get even.”  I cannot get enough of this movie!)

  1. Easy A (Two words: Emma Stone.)

  1. Pitch Perfect (“Lezbehonest” it’s “Aca-Awesome!”)

  1. The Notebook (Classic)

  1. Pretty in Pink (Everyone needs a friend like Ducky)

  1. The Proposal (“To the windows, to the walls”…wouldn’t we all love to dance around a fire with Betty White?)

  1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (She wants to lose him, and he wants to keep her)

  1. The Holiday (Perfect for this time of year.  Ok, Jude Law is perfect year round.)

  1. The Heat (Perfect for a movie night with your mom, sister, or best friend)

  1. She’s the Man (Amanda Bines, Channing Tatum, and Shakespeare)

15. Love Actually (Best Soundtrack)

While Urban Dictionary’s definition may imply that these movies present women with unrealistic views of relationships, I believe that provide much needed inspiration.  All of these movies remind us in some way to stay true to who we are as women and hold out for our Prince Charming.  These chick flicks show us that we can do anything we set our minds to.

Therefore, from now on, don’t pay attention when guys make fun of our “chick flicks” or “girl movies.”  Instead, take pleasure in watching them, embracing all the laughs and tears that come with these movies.

Now all you need is a fuzzy blanket and the indulging snack food of your choice. Enjoy!


Madi is a Senior from Asheville, North Carolina. She has written for the Sewanee chapter of Her Campus since it was founded her Freshman year, and hopes to continue writing after graduation either as a journalist or through work in Public Relations. She loves laughing and hearing people's life stories!