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Shenanigans: A Profile

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.


            Shenanigans has been an integral part of life at Sewanee since its opening in 1974. Students of the university have found in Shenanigans a wonderful place of community and kindness. When Shenanigans first opened, it was the only dining place in the town besides changed hands multiple time since its opening, but Shenanigans has remained the same through all of it.

            Sewanee community would not be the same without Shenanigans, obvious from the large gap that existed on campus in 2012 when the restaurant closed. New management made changes that did not fit the atmosphere Shenanigans had developed, leading to its eventual failure.

            In 2012, Nelson Byrd and Bill Elder purchased Shenanigans, reopening it and bringing it back to its former glory. Shenanigans has been in their ownership since then, and the restaurant has never been better. Byrd and Elder added dining in the upstairs to create a dining area for private events. They also added a second register to make the lines that used to be characteristic of Shenanigans a little less so.

            The community of Sewanee loves Shenanigans. This fact can’t be disputed. Generations come together in Shenanigans; professors, students, and community members meet in one space together, laughing and conversing all night long. There is hardly ever a night when Shenanigans is empty. People are always meeting there, finding their place at Sewanee through its welcoming atmosphere. Shenanigans is the perfect embodiment of the heart and soul of Sewanee. You can always find a friend at Shenanigans and the same goes for Sewanee.
