When you think of beauty, what do you think of? Is it the way your makeup looks, an outfit you love, or your intelligence? All are correct answers! There is no right or wrong way to perceive what is beautiful but at times inner beauty is overshadowed, especially with the influence of media and pop culture. The beauty within a person can be so complex. The mind, soul, and heart play such a huge role in our lives, and we need to start embracing ourselves.
As young people, accepting ourselves is a journey that can sometimes be difficult. As college students, it’s very easy to let your self-esteem fall short or let the stress of academics get you down. And for that I have one huge message – you are worthy! A class, your appearance, or a certain failure or obstacle in your life does not define you. We need to celebrate these things! Almost every mistake made is a lesson for the future, and a tough class gives you more knowledge than you could even believe about life and yourself.
Confidence in college can be a key to a happier outlook in life. Whether it be a passing grade, a swipe of red lipstick, or a comfy sweater that makes you feel like the best version of yourself, make that thing that gives you a boost a habit. Creating positive habits are great for your wellbeing. Self-care is not just face masks and bubble baths! Find something you love about yourself while looking in the mirror and tell yourself how much you love that part. It is amazing how much it can brighten your morning and lead to a better day.
Find out now how unique and lovable you can be. Loving yourself is the first step into a better life and having beauty within. It’s a journey, not a race. Take the time to focus on yourself this semester and find what works for you. When it comes to finding confidence in your day to day life, think of it like shampoo: wash, rinse, and repeat!