Hello, I’m vegan! – Something I never do or tell people when I first meet them. Most people I know only know I’m vegan because I had to reject something they offered, or they just asked. I decided to make this change in my life, but it didn’t make me change my personality or stop being friends with non-vegan people. The people in my life are so amazed and intrigued in how I can survive on a pure plant-based diet. Well, its possible, about 8 million Americans and many more around the world have adopted this lifestyle.
I have been officially vegan for 2 whole months and guess what? I feel better than ever!
Well, now you know one of the biggest changes I’ve done in my life and I bet you’re like, what an asshole, hippie that saves the animals and loves PETA. Well, about half of those are true but that’s not the point. The point is that veganism is a lifestyle that I have decided to live by and I love the outcome of it so far.
People choose veganism for 2 main reasons: health or ethics. Personally, I have never had the amount of energy I have. I do not drink caffeine or sugary drinks to have energy; the amount of vegetables I consume and also the carbs I consume are enough.
I have a crazy busy schedule, and I am always able to keep up with it, even more now that I have extra energy to be involved, study and have a job.
Do a bit of research and if you’re wondering how being vegan could possibly be healthy, watch “Forks over Knives.” This documentary on Netflix shows through several studies how a plant based diet can improve and even reverse disease. Watch it for yourself; it’s a great documentary!
Ethics wise, a lot of people – especially in US – ignore or are not aware of how the food industry works. It’s very interesting to look into how animals are really treated and if we are eating what we think we are eating.
A great documentary to go along with the Ethics side of becoming a vegan is “Earthlings.” If you are interested or even slightly curious, watch this documentary on Netflix and see some of the facts for yourself.
Here I am talking to you about one of the things I am very proud of being able to commit, but at the same time, very conscious about telling people. I do not impose or try to convert people to veganism. This journey has been hard, but extremely rewarding.
Growing up, I’ve had various health issues that were inexplicable, and becoming vegan has allowed me to feel 100 % and even lose weight in the process.
Don’t be too quick to judge and think being vegan is impossible or insane, give it a try do some research. How can you discard something without even trying, it’s incredible the amount of things I can still eat, and the way I feel after eating.
Peace out and eat some veggies.