Birds of Prey is the latest DC film, following the story of Dr. Harleen Quinzel (AKA Harley Quinn) after the events of Suicide Squad which came out in 2016. After saving the world and breaking out of prison, Harley Quinn finds herself trying to get over her breakup with the Joker. Although Harley is now officially “free” from the Joker, she loses his protection once the word got out about their relationship status.
This film is a rollercoaster for several reasons, starting with the chaotic storytelling by the one and only Harley Quinn. If you know anything about her character, you would know that she is the type of woman that does what she wants, when she wants. At first, the plot was a little hard to follow because of the constant back and forth between storylines, but it was so fun and exciting that it didn’t matter. I also felt as though everything made sense by the halfway mark in the film. Everyone could argue about the plot and characters as they relate to the comics, but I think that this is the type of movie that could satisfy more than just the comic book lovers.
I am the type of person that appreciates female villains way more than female heroes. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Wonder Woman and other badass superheroes, but there’s something enticing and empowering about female villains. Not only is Birds of Prey centered around Harley Quinn, but it introduces several other female characters who serve as a mix of anti-heroes and vigilantes. In addition to these women being badass, the cast is extremely diverse in not only color, but also age, which is interesting to me. I felt genuinely connected to each of these characters and what they went through to become the people they were throughout the film.
Not only was the casting fantastic, the fighting choreography was thrilling and well shot throughout the various fight scenes in the film. As someone who loves dissecting the different parts of film making, I think stage fighting is something many people overlook. The stunt coordinators on Birds of Prey did an excellent job of creating unique fighting styles for each character.
One last thing about Birds of Prey that made me so happy was its all-female soundtrack. I believe that a movie’s soundtrack is incredibly important and can stay with you long after you have finished watching the movie. The Birds of Prey soundtrack includes the talent of several amazing artists such as Doja Cat, Halsey, Megan Thee Stallion, Normani, and many other amazing female artists.
Although Birds of Prey was an incredible experience for anyone who loves movies adapted from comics, I believe that anyone can enjoy it. There are several elements throughout the film that make it the chaotic masterpiece it is. If you are like me and love analyzing these various elements of film, Birds of Prey has by far been one of my favorites to discuss. If you do decide to watch this amazing film, you will find the same joy and engaging experience I did!