It’s that time of year again-Black Friday is right around the corner!! While Black Friday is a fun time shopping with friends and family…it can get a little intense. Here are some tips to make sure that you have a safe and enjoyable time shopping for deals:
1. Go with other people. It’s always best to go in a group instead of going solo. It’s also more fun! While shopping, you are also making memories with people you love. It’s also safer when you’re surrounded by other people.
2. Have a game plan. Before even leaving your house to shop, make sure you know where exactly you’re going and what time so you don’t miss out on any deals. (Nothing’s worse than waking up late and rushing to the store just to find out what you wanted is all sold out).
3. Sign up for email lists from your favorite stores. *Hint* Those who are on mailing lists often get discounts!
4. Be safe. As much as you may want those shoes or the iPhone X, remember that your safety comes first. If you find yourself in a situation where people are getting violent, it’s best to just walk away. Those items may be valuable, but you are priceless.
Hope these tips help and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!