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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFA chapter.

Your mind can become seriously cluttered throughout the fall and winter seasons. The leaves are turning darker colors, the weather is harsh and the atmosphere can be quite dreary. Typically, I don’t see the period of August through March as good mental health months so, once the warmer seasons roll around, I take the opportunity to “spring clean” my mind. This is where you just take a few moments to reorganize all the “clutter” from the previous months so your mind can be more prepared for the spring and summer. Below I will inform you guys of the four M’s—music, movement, motivation and meditation —that will help you to better clear your mind for the new season.


I’m sure that everyone knows that music is good for the soul. I can certainly attest to this statement because music has always been a big part of my life. Listening to music will help to “spring clean” your mind because it allows for the brain to become distracted. If you make a spring music themed playlist it will put you in the perfect mindset for the season. I also recommend that the music you listen to should be upbeat and fun. Fast songs help to further stimulate your mind and clear it of any overthinking or worries. While I personally love slow/chill songs, sometimes they can be depressing for the mind. So, to clear your mind this season have some fun mixing up a good playlist with nice upbeat songs that will influence positive energy.


It is easy to just want to stay indoors all day and do nothing. The fall and winter months make wanting to be lazy even easier due to the weather changes. However, staying in during those months will result in most people having a kind of groggy mindset. So, with the nice spring weather, I advise you to go out and enjoy the sun. You can do physical things like walk a trail, hike, swim and/or exercise at the gym. There are also more relaxed options such as sitting outside on your porch/patio breathing in the fresh air or even going out for a late-night drive. Anything that gets you out of your bed and up and moving is a good way to clear your mind for the spring time.


This one sort of ties in with movement because it’s all about getting up and doing something. I’m sure there were a lot of things you probably put off over the past couple of months. With all the different holidays, the severe weather changes and so on, you can develop a lack of motivation to do things. That’s why I feel the spring time is the best time to start back on self-motivation. One of the major keys to self-motivation is setting goals for yourself. They can vary from long term to short term goals; it doesn’t matter as long as you set them. Get a planner, buy some sticky notes, download an app: anything where you can write these goals down. Physically being able to see these specific goals helps to further motivate the mind to go out and achieve them.


Meditation comes in many different forms. You can physically meditate by doing such things as yoga or sitting alone in peaceful silence. You can also meditate by listening to certain sounds or looking at certain images that bring you joy and tranquility. Often, I will meditate by self-reflecting and writing down all my thoughts in a journal. I also read, watch and listen to things I find entertaining. Ultimately, meditation can be defined as self-care so you can paint, sing, dance or do whatever clears your mind the best.

Meditation comes in many different forms. You can physically meditate by doing such things as yoga or sitting alone in peaceful silence. You can also meditate by listening to certain sounds or looking at certain images that bring you joy and tranquility. Often, I will meditate by self-reflecting and writing down all my thoughts in a journal. I also read, watch and listen to things I find entertaining. Ultimately, meditation can be defined as self-care so you can paint, sing, dance or do whatever clears your mind the best.

A Creative Writing major who just wants to read, write, and live.
Hello, my name is Sa Maria Boyd. I am a Louisiana native raised in the beautiful city of Fort Worth, Texas. I am a really fun person ( at least I'd like to think). I graduated high school in 2015 from the wonderful Western Hills High School. In my four years there, I was apart of the Color Guard, Key Club, Senior Board, My goal is to travel the world and learn about different cultures so that I can help the world become more unified. I am currently attending Stephen F. Austin State University where I will be receiving my Bachelors of Arts in Mass Communications with a minor in Psychology in May of 2019. While I have been in school, I have held the positions of Social Media Director/Vice President for Her Campus SFA, and Vice President for the 6812 Chapter of the NAACP. I have also worked on the Crew, the television production organization for the Mass Communications department, KSAU 90.1--The Axe, and all three shows for SFA TV2.