Her Campus™ SFA is looking for new staff members for the 2013 school year. Her Campus™ SFA, a branch from the #1 online magazine for college women, HerCampus.com, SFA serves as a hub for everything Stephen F Austin State University women need to know about the world around them.
Membership is open to all students. This organization complies with all State and Federal laws and school policies on non-discrimination. This organization supports and encourages respect for political, religious, ethnic, racial, physical, generational, sexual, and intellectual differences because such respect promotes free and open inquiry, independent thought, and mutual understanding.
HerCampus™ writers have been offered jobs and internships at many of the nation’s top publications including Glamour, Vogue, InStyle, Lucky, O magazine, MTV, The Washington Post, and Women’s Wear Daily, among others. If you are interested in joining the HerCampus™ SFA team, please contact current editor, Kayla Borens at kaylaborens@hercampus.com .
Founded by Her Campus CEO, Stephanie Kaplan and fellow Harvard undergraduates Windsor Hanger and Annie Wang, Her Campus™ serves as an online hotspot for everything college women need to know about life on campus. The site features articles on Style, Health, Love, Life, Career and much more, updated on a daily basis and supplemented by campus-specific content from 200+ colleges and universities across the country.
Written entirely by college journalists, Her Campus™ highlights the best in student journalism while filling the critical hole in the media marketplace that responds directly to the needs of college women.
Her Campus™ SFA was founded by Campus Correspondent Jessika Davidson, and turned over to current editor, Kayla Borens summer of 2012. Her Campus™ SFA has gained over 900 followers on social networking site, Twitter, and gained over 100 followers on Facebook, Pinterest and Intstagram. With website views averaging over 350 views, Her Campus™ SFA is slowly, but surely making an impact on SFA students.