As a college student, it’s so easy to get so busy that you don’t take the time to participate in your hobbies. But don’t neglect them! It’s all too easy to think that you can handle college life and never take the time to unwind and express yourself, but trust me, that can be a recipe for disaster. Here are some of my favorite past-times that help take my mind off of the chaos that is college life:
1. I write poetry and short stories
There’s no feeling better than knowing that I’ve produced creative writing. Writing has been my go-to hobby since I’ve been a little girl. And the best part- you can write about literally anything! Having writing as a hobby has also helped me get things off of my chest and express myself.
2. Journaling
So, this one goes hand in hand with #1, but I wanted to give it honorable mention. Journaling has been very beneficial for me-especially for my mental health. Journaling throughout the years has shown me just how far I have come. It is also a great feeling getting your thoughts onto paper. Now you might think, “but I’m not even a good writer!” The great thing about journaling is that you don’t have to be! Just write about whatever is on your mind or whatever you want to remember a week, month, or year from now and you’ll be golden!
3. Coloring books
This is where I channel my inner child. I used to laugh at the idea of using a coloring book because I’m a 22-year-old woman! Who uses coloring books anymore?? But it honestly is such a mindless activity and just helps me get my mind off of the stresses of my daily life. I’d highly recommend coloring books to anyone (they even have adult coloring books). You don’t have to have any artistic abilities…just grab yourself some colored pencils and start coloring!
4. Swimming
Ever since I was little, I have LOVED to swim. When I was younger, I used to pretend that I was a mermaid and that the pool was my ocean (I know, I know…embarrassing)! But honestly, swimming is not only good for your physical health, but also for your mental health. You don’t have to be the greatest swimmer in the world to enjoy this activity, just float on your back and enjoy that sun!
5. Treat yourself to the movies or just have a movie night with friends
I am a diehard movie fan (especially Disney movies – Hello Treasure Planet, I’m looking at you). This activity doesn’t require much effort or thinking. Just sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the movie.
These are only some of my favorite hobbies and activities. Yours may be similar or different. But remember, just because you’re a busy college student doesn’t mean you should neglect your hobbies. Set aside a little bit of time each day to relax and participate in your hobbies. You won’t regret it!