Every senior in college has had a countdown to when graduation will be. Here at SFASU we have officially hit the less than 30-day mark! In less than a month, I and hundreds of my peers will be walking across the stage and receiving our well-earned diplomas.  Now more than ever it’s important to give thanks to the ones who have helped us the most. So I have to say THANK YOU, COFFEE!Â
I have lost count of how many cups of Starbucks, Einstein’s and convenience store coffee I have had in my four years at Stephen F. Austin.  I can’t stomach energy drinks, so coffee kept me going through every essay that I have had to write, and presentation that needed to be completed on a time crunch. I even made some of my closest friends over a cup of coffee. Last semester I was at Einstein’s Bros. Bagels almost every morning having a bagel and a cold brew coffee with my friend before we had to go to class. To some people, this could be me admitting my addiction, but no, I am thankful for the coffee that I have had and will continue to have after I graduate.
So, thank you, coffee. You have made many a semester so much easier and more tolerable!