So, we’ve been paying extra for tampons and other period products since forever and it’s seriously ridiculous. People everywhere in America are being forced to pay extra for a product that we need every month. At the age of 11-13 most people start their period and don’t stop having periods until they go through menopause. A box of tampons runs anywhere from $6 to $8 before taxes, depending on the brand, quality and quantity. Texas applies a 6.25% tax to tampons, which means we end paying almost $10 for about 16 tampons, which only lasts me one period. This is just me guessing really, but that’s about $6,000-$7,000 for each person to spend over their years of menstruation.
Now, while some states have already done out with the tax on period products, Texas has not. A bill was introduced to get rid of the tax, but they didn’t advance to the polls. As a woman living in Texas, I’m really fed up with paying extra for products I require when there isn’t a tax on things like Viagra. The Her Campus SFA ladies are going to be helping with an Upcoming Texas Rising Event on campus where we will be helping Texas Rising pass out free period products. This event will be towards the end of October, we look forward to seeing some of our fellow SFA students there!
To keep up with SFA Texas Rising and their upcoming events, follow them on Twitter @
Photos: LaShauna Bell