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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

It’s back to school season, which means summer days are officially behind us … no more pool parties or lazy afternoons at the beach. Even though watching your bikinis slowly get buried by turtlenecks and sweaters at the bottom of your drawer is painful, don’t fret – fall can be just as fun and exciting. Here are 4 Insta-worthy things to look forward to this warm and cozy season!

Pumpkin Picking

The moment your booties set foot on a pumpkin patch, you’ll never want to leave! There are tons of great pumpkin patches located in the lower mainland, but these ones are my personal favourites.  Don’t forget to check out the farmer’s market and corn mazes, too! And if you see a scarecrow, make sure you take a cute selfie with it. 

Fright Nights At Playland

October is the month of Halloween, which means it’s time for all things spooky! Although this year Fright Nights at Playland will follow COVID-19 protocols, you can still enjoy a fun and gory (socially distanced) Saturday night before October 31st. You can purchase your tickets here: https://frightnights.ca/buy-tickets/ 

VisiT Maplewood Farm

If you love tiny and cute animals, Maplewood Farm is the place for you ☺ There are donkeys, goats, chickens and lots of hands-on activities for everyone! https://maplewoodfarm.bc.ca/animals/ 

Have A Pumpkin SPice Latte

Yes, I know what you’re probably thinking… pumpkin spice lattes are just an overrated trend. Although there might be some truth to that, you should definitely give it a try if you haven’t already. Maybe you’ll have found your next guilty pleasure, who knows? You could also play barista and make it at home following this easy recipe: https://minimalistbaker.com/easy-pumpkin-spice-latte/ 

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Ally is majoring in Linguistics and minoring in International Studies. She loves to do yoga, pilates and take long walks down the beach. When she’s not studying, she’s probably baking a chocolate cake!