For those who need a friendly reminder, Her Story is coming up on the 28th! For those who don’t know about this upcoming event, Her Campus SFU is ready to dedicate an entire evening to some amazing women who would love to share their stories and experiences about what made them into who they are today. To give some insight into our other two panellists, we were fortunate enough to have Daniela Dib, a Fitness Instructor for DibFit and Rochelle Prasad, the Founder and Former CEO for the SPARK Foundation and the upcoming municipal politician, respond to some of our interview questions.
For Daniela, the global pandemic would be one of the events that has defined her career. “Covid was a truly defining moment in my life. When the lockdowns began, naturally packed fitness studios were shut down. I went from having the space to teach a full room of riders and a career with SoulCycle, to suddenly not being allowed to do my job.” As much of a hassle it was for Daniela to learn, adapt and overcome, she was able to change the obstacle into an experience by becoming inspired to create her own business, DibFit. Whereas Daniela found hope and strength in the beginning of her company, Rochelle found the SPARK foundation as the project that has defined her life. Rochelle comments how “being in a leadership position has humbled me and the way I see the world.”
As inspiration, Rochelle finds her mom in the spotlight. Despite all the work her mom is known for juggling, it’s the fact that she still somehow manages to make Rochelle’s favourite homemade meals that baffles her. Daniela seeks inspiration from her fellow instructors, “many of whom have pushed [her] to grow. Akin Akman and Angela Davis are truly motivating coaches who have helped elevate the way I teach.”
A piece of advice that Daniela finds herself giving her younger self would be that,“You are never in the wrong place; you just may be looking at it the wrong way. All the hardships and tough moments are preparing you, so you can be ready to step into the next level of your life.”
Likewise, Rochelle would find herself saying,“Age doesn’t matter when it comes to making a difference – and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.”
And finally, our remarkable panellists were asked to describe themselves or their stories in a nutshell for our readers. While Daniela responded with “Entertainer”, Rochelle said, “An ambitious social entrepreneur on a quest to change the world through UN SDG 4, one community and a time.”
To meet Daniela and Rochelle on April 28th, do not forget to register for Her Story on Eventbrite!