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Her Story Is Coming Up !

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

It’s never too late to sign up for Her Campus SFU’s biggest event for the semester, Her Story is April 28th! For the readers who need a recap, Her Story is an event that will be hosted in the evening for some lovely women to share their inspiring stories with others. There’s the preview of our final two panellists, Emily, an associate for the Campus Community and Marketing team at Her Campus, and Marielle Juan, a Content Creator.

Emily says, “Joining the Her Campus Influencer Collective while still in high school was something that changed the directory of my life. It introduced me to HC and led me to work with many exciting brands while meeting amazing people. While my blog is no longer active, it gave me an amazing opportunity to find the path that was right for me in community management.

As a Content Creator, Marielle found her Instagram page @glowwithmar as a project that has defined her career;“Creating a platform where I get to share my passions has opened so many avenues for me while allowing myself to stay creative.”

In terms of inspiration, Marielle mentions how she does not have one specific person. She finds that all the creatives and creators within the skincare community have certainly contributed to her inspiration because they’ve always motivated and inspired her content. Emily, on the other hand, comments about how her Campus Correspondents and Her Campus members have contributed in their meaningful ways to help keep her inspired. “I commend everyone that contributes to the well-being of the HC Chapter Network and I love seeing what you all accomplish,” Emily quotes.

As advice for a younger self, some time ago, Emily commented about life and how “Life might not always go as planned, but always stay focused on your goals and dreams!”

Although Emily mentions the significance of having goals in life, Marielle’s piece of advice “is to relax and enjoy the process of growing up. Time goes by way too fast when you’re an adult and when you get to savour the good experiences – they disappear almost instantly. Also, to skip out on the black liquid liner in grade nine.” 

Lastly, we found ourselves asking our two lovely panellists my favourite question: How would you describe yourself and your story in a nutshell? 

Emily: Determined!

Marielle: I would say: Being myself :)

With a panellist to represent each of our 5 sections -Culture, Health, Career, Life and Style, there’s surely something for everyone! The Her Campus SFU team and our six panellists look forward to welcoming everyone and answering your burning questions!

Manpreet is a Psychology student at Simon Fraser University and also happens to be a heavy baker of anything sweet and a hopeless romantic by heart. When she is not busy reading, writing, working part-time, or drinking wine, she can be found with her high school friends planning something.