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Is Being “That Girl” With The Morning Routine Unrealistic?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SFU chapter.

We all know the tik-toks and Instagram reels where the girls (most commonly) have that alleged “perfect morning routine” but just how realistic are they?

I had to put the “perfect morning routine” in quotations because I personally feel like that specific phrase belongs to those apps. There is no universal perfect morning and to have a good morning is very subjective; one person’s bright morning sunshine can be another’s bitter wake-up call. 

From experience, I cannot achieve very much in the morning and this may be due to the fact I function more in the late hours of night than dawn. However, I do know quite a few morning people which includes one of my best friends, and they have all mentioned that they cannot achieve nearly as much as the girls on those perfect morning routine reels. Many people just do not have the time because of other other commitments or needs and that is totally understandable! 

The most unrealistic part of those “that girl” clips is that the time given for each task is simply not enough. For instance, how can one wake up at 5 am and instantly drink a tall glass of lemon water before going to brush their teeth, shower, do their skincare and include a workout somewhere in-between within a matter of 30 or 40 minutes. Even if we break it down to 5 minutes to each assigned task, and perhaps give the workout 10 minutes rather than 5, that is 30 minutes gone!

To top it off, they do all this before they have their first mug of coffee/tea? Not to mention, many of them do not eat prior to their workout, which can be a concern to one’s health. 

It has become more of an aesthetic that is difficult to work with, especially early in the morning when most people are sluggish and disoriented. If, however, you do have the energy to sprint out of the bed and bustle in the morning, you continue to do you! I just have yet to see a video clip that is suitable for night owls such as myself with the hype of this perfect routine. Yes there are a few, about a single nighttime version for every fifty morning ones, but the ratio is not very equal, which is astounding for this generation that seems to thrive more at night, being in the era of technology and what not. 

Whether it works out naturally for some or some choose to put the effort in and make it their consistent routine, this morning routine could be the ideal way to start off one’s day. It just has to be thought about with a grain of salt *insert that critical thinking* when viewing such trends on social media. 

As long as a person feels happy with how productive they were in a day, it does not matter if it is a nighttime, daytime or even a morning routine!

Manpreet is a Psychology student at Simon Fraser University and also happens to be a heavy baker of anything sweet and a hopeless romantic by heart. When she is not busy reading, writing, working part-time, or drinking wine, she can be found with her high school friends planning something.