Being Vancouverites, it seems like we have all become accustomed to spending at least two-thirds of our year in constant rainy and grey weather. Although most of us do not necessarily become depressed as a result, it just seems to become a constant in our lives being habitants of the Lower Mainland. This being said, don’t we all feel a little different when the sun starts to shine? Many of us tend to feel more motivated to get out and about, be active, and get more done when that glorious golden orb graces us with its presence come springtime.
Exposure to healthy amounts of sunlight is said to raise our serotonin levels – something that can make us feel more energized and as a result, less lethargic like we may feel on grey days in the fall and winter. I think a lot of people would agree when I say that it’s a lot harder to lounge around indoors watching Netflix when the sun is shining full force. We tend to spend that time outdoors enjoying the sun and being active like hiking, walking or simply lounging in the sun – something that makes us feel so much better about our days when we go to bed at night.
Come springtime, the sun therefore tends to make us more active. Whether it be getting outdoors more, going for a run, or walking to our errands instead of driving, we end up moving around and spending more time outdoors. Exercise is said to release endorphins which makes us happy. Mix that with a healthy dose of bright natural light, and you really can’t help but feel an uplift in spirits.
We all know that we’re supposed to limit our unprotected exposure to direct sunlight, but keep in mind vitamin D in moderation is extremely beneficial for your health. Even just getting those 10 free minutes lounging in the sun during your lunch break can boost vitamin D in your body, doing amazing things like lowering your risk of disease, strengthening your teeth and bones and even help in weight loss! So embrace the sun – it may still be that crisp early-spring Vancouver temperature, but bundle up and take your studying outside. You’re guaranteed to get more done and feel better about it by the end of the day!