This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.
Let’s be honest, you’ve probably watched the show in full about five times! You may even be able to quote 90% of the dialogue. Screenshots from the show have been used as popular memes for years now. It is one of the few series where the reaction pictures are pure gems. The Office is a show that creates a ton of scenes that are totally relatable. Here is a list of times everyone’s favorite TV show accurately portrayed the life of a college student. If you haven’t seen the show and love to laugh nonstop, all the seasons can be currently found on Netflix!
1. There is no better way than to start off with a quote that we can all agree with. This is how every college student feels when someone asks how the semester is going.
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2. When a professor asks a question to the class, but no one wants to answer it. That same professor then insists that they would rather sit in awkward silence for the rest of the time instead of giving the answer to the class.
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3. That five (or ten!) hour YouTube/Netflix binge session that occurs at the most inconvenient time. An addiction to a new show always seems to happen when you have the most amount of work to get done!
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4. How you feel when you wake up having a great hair day, your makeup is on point, and you love your outfit.
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5. Trying to throw your friend a birthday party, but being on a serious budget.
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6. STRESS! Everyone has been to this point, don’t deny it! *screams for eternity*
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7. How every student feels when a professor assigns a long paper.
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8. That feeling when it is finally the weekend!
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9. Trying to stick to a diet and giving up on it two days later.
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10. Then telling your friends not to let you break your diet.
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11. When a presentation has a minimum time requirement and you are trying to use it all up.
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12. There is always that one person in college who takes intramural sports WAY too seriously (maybe it’s you)!
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13. A college student in a nutshell.
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14. Getting back a grade you are not happy with even though you know you didn’t study as hard as you should have.
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15. Or the opposite: knowing you didn’t study for an exam but still getting an A.
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16. How students feel when the weather is too nice to be inside in class.
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