You’ve made it.
You’ve moved into your room, met your roommate, and have survived your first week of classes.You’ve completed an assignment or too, and are feeling pretty confident that you can succeed in college academics. You may miss home, but you’re excited about the great year that’s ahead of you.
Think that’s all there is to the Siena experience? Think again, for now it is time for the Club Fair!
We don’t do anything halfway at Siena, and the Club Fair is no exception. We fill the quad with club tables, a barbecue, blasting music, and all of your orientation friends. It’s the perfect way to kickstart your involvement at Siena and develop new interests and new friendships. We at Her Campus Siena want you to have the best Club Fair experience possible, so take note of these handy tips!
1. Actually go to the Club Fair.
While showing up at the Club Fair may not automatically guarantee success, the mere act of attending the Club Fair is definitely a step in the right direction.
2. Do some research.
I know, I know; this is supposed to be a fun activity and research is boring and whatever, but hear me out. Preparing a bit by checking out the different clubs and activities we have at Siena can help you narrow down which ones you might want to sign up for. This is especially helpful if you’re anything like me and are too easily inundated by lots of choices.
3. When you arrive at the Club Fair, start with a quick walk through.
There are so, so many things to do, sign up for, and see at the Club Fair. Get off to a great start by checking out everything the Club Fair has to offer first, and taking action from there.
4. Go outside your comfort zone, but know your interests.
I’m a big fan of trying new things and expanding your interests all of the time, but I also believe in self-awareness and acting based on that. Use the Club Fair as an opportunity to sign up for clubs that can expand your interests or help you develop new ones, but you don’t have to go crazy.
5. Go with a friend, but sign up for what you want.
The Club Fair is a wonderfully fun bonding experience for new and old friends alike. That being said, make sure that you make the time to sign up for the clubs you’re thinking of getting involved with.
6. Talk to the club representatives.
Each club will have a table at the club fair with a sign-up sheet and a few club representatives there to answer any questions you may have about meeting times, activities, and plans as a club. Use this opportunity to talk to as many people as you can, and make a mental note of the different meeting times and locations. While they will likely send out emails before the meetings start, it’s nice to take a moment to think about what clubs will work best with your interests and schedule this semester.
7. Watch your email for meeting dates and locations.
Have fun getting involved at Siena!