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Jen DeMaria & Jared DeGroff

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.


Names: Jen DeMaria & Jared DeGroff

Majors: Jen is a Marketing Major with an environmental studies minor & Jared is also a Marketing Major.

Hometowns: Jen is from Westchester NY & Jared is from Burnthills NY.

Year: Jen is a Junior and Jared is a Senior.

Favorite Movie: Jared’s favorite movie is Wolf of Wall Street and Jen’s is Titanic.

Favorite Song: Jen’s favorite song is “If It Means A Lot To You” by A Day To Remember & Jared’s Favorite song is “King For A Day” by Pierce The Vail.

Zodiac signs:  Jen is a Gemini & Jared is a Sagittarius.

Favorite activity to do together:  Jen and Jared like to go to the gym together.

When did they meet one another? Second semester of Jens freshman year.

How did they meet? Jared was placed as a RA in Jen’s building (Hines Hall) and he heard a loud noise above him one night. That noise ended up being Jen, she was doing gymnastics in her room. When Jared went to tell her to quiet down was when Jen and Jarred met.

When did they start dating?  March 10th 2013

How long have they been a couple?  2 years in March 

Typical Date: Dinner and Sometimes smoothies after!

Valentine’s Day Plans: Jarred is planning a surprise for Jen.

Cute Fact/ Funny Story:  Jarred convinced Jen to sing at one of his coffee house event with him. They sang “If It Means A Lot To You” by A Day To Remember.






Nicolette DiMaggio is a Siena College Class of 2018 alumna. She studied Finance during her time at Siena.