Her Campus Siena sat down with the busiest girl on campus — Kylie Mason!
Name: Kylie Mason
Class Year: 2018
Major: I am a double-major in Political Science and Philosophy with a Pre-Law certificate and the Interdisciplinary Research Methods Certificate.
Favorite spot on campus: My room with no one else!
Favorite food: Mac & cheese!
HC Siena: What is your favorite thing about Siena?
Kylie Mason: I like the variety of personalities!
HC Siena: What are you involved with on campus?
KM: I am an RA, I’m an HEOP tutor, I’m a regular tutor, I’m a personal tutor. I am the President of the Pre-Law Society, I am the President of the Political Science Society, I am a McGuire Society Member, and a I’m a tour guide. I’m a member of the food committee, I’m a Damietta Solidarity Advisor, I do work study in Hines Hall and I am the Student Representative for the Siena College Board of Trustees!
HC Siena: Wow! You’re really involved on campus. Why do you think this it’s important to be involved on campus?
KM: If you’re going to pay so much to go here, you might as well make it worth your while. As long as your academics are good, you might as well do things that make you happy. Everything I’m a part of, I enjoy a lot!
HC Siena: Do you have any advice for people looking to become more involved?
KM: Get your academics straight first before you over-involve yourself. You don’t want to have a bunch of stuff on your resume that you suck at.
HC Siena: Why did you choose to become a political science and philosophy major?
KM: Those are two topics I have a lot of passion for and a lot of interest in. I haven’t found anything in either of those topics that I haven’t said “Oh, this is really cool!”
HC Siena: What’s your favorite part about your majors?
KM: My two favorite parts of my poli sci major are EK and Ausra Park. My favorite part of my philosophy major is being able to think about thinking, which I wish more people did, because we’d have better thinkers.
HC Siena: What’s your favorite class you’ve taken at Siena?
KM: Civil Liberties I with Dr. Cutler because it was hands down, the most challenging course I’ve ever taken in my life, but it was fun!
HC Siena: What are some of your favorite things to do in your free time?
KM: What free time?!?
HC Siena: What are your plans for after Siena?
KM: I plan on going to law school. I also plan on hopefully getting married and having kids!