It’s November, and apple-picking season and Halloween are over, but, there’s still hope to preserve fall for as long as possible! After all, it doesn’t technically end until December 21st, and we can’t forget about Thanksgiving! So here are some delicious fall desserts that you can still bake and enjoy. Don’t let anyone tell you no!
1. Pies. With colder weather coming up, what better way to warm up your townhouse and your tummies than with a freshly baked pie. Take advantage of the season by baking one of the traditional Fall varieties: pumpkin, appple or pecan!
Find these pies, or similar ones, here.
2. Candy Apples. Trick yourself into thinking you’re fighting off a trip to the doctor’s office during cold season, while satifsying your sweet tooth, with one of these bad boys. Caramel and toffee are the essential glaze varieties for the fall season. Here are a bunch of fun combos we’ve thought up:
- Plain caramel
- Plain toffee
- Caramel with nuts
- Toffee with candy (M&M’s, Oreos, Heath Bar, etc.)
- Caramel & Toffee
Don’t be afraid to get creative! Martha Stewart knows where it’s at.
3. Cookies. Cookies are a year round treat, but you have to admit that gingersnap, cinammon roll, and pumpkin spice honey ones pair better with the complementary coffee flavors of the fall.
Find great cookie recipes here.
4. Muffins. Just like cookies, it’s all about capitalizing on the ingredients of the season, and eating as many apple spice and pumpkin pecan crunch ones as possible! Here are some of our favorite fall muffins:
- Apple Spice
- Doughnut
- Pumpkin Pecan Crunch
- Morning Glory
- Chocoholic
Find all five recipes here.
Crack open your mom’s or grandma’s old cooking book too! If you live on main campus and don’t have your own kitchen, find a friend who lives locally or in the townhouses to use their kitchen for a baking day!
Don’t forget to drink a nice cup of eggnog, hot chocolate, or pumpkin spice coffee with it!