Whenever you mention “therapy” to someone, the first thought that goes through everyone’s head is “there’s something wrong with you if you have a therapist, you must have a mental illness!” This is far from the truth. To be completely honest, therapy is what gets me through my bad days and best days, through my greatest accomplishments and mistakes. Besides, in what other setting can you talk about your life and yourself for an hour and not be called a narcissist? I, along with many of you, I’m sure, like to think that I know myself inside and out perfectly but some days I’m still fighting that inner battle of figuring out what I feel and why I’m upset. Therapy has been an aspect of my life since the time I was seven years old. I have tried out a few different therapists, leading me to my current therapist that I’ve been seeing since 14 years old — I cannot imagine my life without her. At the end of the week, I need someone who will listen to me complain and share the details of my week, not to mention give me advice, and so much of the time I find that I give myself the answers I need. Mental health is something that has come onto the scene so much more in the past few years, making therapists more socially acceptable, and trust me, we all need therapy.
The judgement-free space
In therapy, it’s completely, 100% judgement-free and confidential so you can talk about anything and never be judged and it’s only between you and your therapist. So many times, I feel overwhelmed with what I’m feeling, school, and a million other things and knowing that everything I feel and say is valid in that office makes the experience that much better. It’s a safe space where you can be yourself and talk about things that you haven’t even told the people closest to you.
They’re the best listeners
Although I love to talk to my mom and friends about my conflicts and feelings, most of the time they either interrupt, are multitasking, and try to problem solve right off the bat, instead of letting me vent and talk. Therapy is the best space to vent, not be interrupted, and get everything off your chest while having someone’s undivided full attention. It’s all about you.
Working through all your feelings out loud
One of my favorite parts of therapy is when I’m explaining everything out loud and suddenly, I figure out what I should do or what the right path to take is. I think half of the goal in therapy for me is to hear my feelings out loud and that helps me make a decision and hear everything out loud instead of in my head. Talking out loud to someone else about your feelings and conflicts is absolutely worth it.
You can talk about whatever you want (even if it’s dumb!)
Whether I’m talking about what I ate for lunch that day or something incredibly upsetting or serious, it’s whatever I want. That’s one of the best parts of therapy, you can talk about anything and everything. I love to give my therapist a play by play of what happened in my day and who I talked to and who annoyed me. (Even though my mom mocks me when I tell her every detail of my day!)
The different perspective brings you back to reality
I admit it, the things that I stress over in my head, I’ll discuss them with my therapist and she brings me back to reality and helps me see that my problems are easily solvable and it’s not the end of the world. A therapist’s different perspective on feelings and conflicts within your life help you to see a different side and realize the solution or that it’s not that big of a deal and it’s easily solvable.
They always want what’s best for you
The best for last. My therapist always has my best interest at heart and always tries to push me in a direction that’s best for me. I think that’s one of the most valuable parts of therapy: that when you feel completely alone and no one is on your side, you have someone that is 100% an advocate and person there for you, no matter what. I know I can thank my therapist of the past six years for saving my life and making me the strong, happy, confident person I am today.