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Tips to Managing a Social Life While Attending College and Working

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Nowadays most college students are managing careers, even if they are part-time, while studying for courses that will impact their futures after college. For the majority of students, having a job during the semester can be stressful but, like myself, they enjoy making their own money and having a constant income. While having a job or not having a job, here are some tips to manage your social life while having a busy schedule altogether. 

1. My number one suggestion for any girl or boy out there would be to invest in a good quality planner!

I’ve always been devoted to keeping a color-coded planner to “try” to organize my life. But having a planner truly does help you manage everything on your “to-do” list. Erin Condren planners are the ultimate planner that may be on the pricer side, but without a doubt will not disappoint you. Her planners are beautiful and can be customized to your exact liking each calendar year.  Having a planner will encourage you to write down everything that you have to do week to week and make sure you actually get it all done!   

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2. Now, my next tip has to do with those who work a part-time or maybe even a full-time job while in college.

I would suggest having a regular set schedule each week or informing your boss of the certain shifts that you can work based on your school schedule. Working the same shifts each week will also keep you focused and not overwhelmed with life since it’ll become a permanent schedule, just like your classes. Therefore each week it won’t come to you as a surprise when you have to work! 

3. Tip #3 focuses more on giving you the opportunity to go out on the weekends and enjoy yourself! 

I suggest for this tip to complete all of your assignments for the next week after your classes, before the weekend starts! Sitting down in the library for a few hours after your classes on Friday will give you the chance to go out with your friends to a bar or dinner over the rest of the weekend!  Also, you won’t be stressed by the end of the weekend and you’ll get to enjoy your “FUNDAY SUNDAYS!”

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4. Designate a time each day to go to the library or a lounge and work on your homework.

Just like Tip #3, this will also help you manage your workload for your classes and not leave everything until the last minute like most college students do! 

5. Last but definitely not least, would be to make time for yourself!  

It is important to make sure that your body and mind are both healthy. Without good health you won’t be able to go to class or attend work! Making time for yourself will make you feel great while also encouraging you to achieve everything you have to do during the week. Whether it be enjoying a good movie or going to get your nails done or even simply taking a nap, you have to realize that focusing on yourself is a crucial part to achieving success in school, a job, and even your social life! 

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Meghan Murray is a Siena College Class of 2021 alumna. She studied English during her time at Siena.