As a college student, it is important to save any money you might have to try to avoid the dreaded student loans. Personally, I somehow find a way to waste the little money that I have. The question is, what could I possibly be spending it on?
1. If you’re like me, you get a little too excited at the beginning of the school year to decorate your dorm. You may not realize how quickly dorm decorations can add up.
2. When you are dorm shopping, you may feel the need to stock up on snacks for the dorm. A few snacks are necessary, if most of your snacks are going to be sitting in a box under your bed, they are probably a waste of money.
3. Speaking of food, I spend an excessive amount of money on fast food.
Even though I have a pre-paid meal plan where I can get mediocre food from the dining hall, I still crave Wendy’s 4 for $4Â twice a day.
4. If you do not have a car on campus you might have to find an alternate form of transportation. If you are too lazy to walk, and don’t want to wait for a friend with a car to take you, you’ll have to call an Uber to take you. Â
5. If you are not busy wasting money on an Uber and fast food, you might have a lot of time on your hands for other opportunities to waste money. Such as unnecessary junk you find online.
A ten-foot phone charger and stickers for the back of my computer are things I have found I can live without, but purchased anyway.
6. But, my biggest waste of money is on overpriced textbooks.
Usually, I attempt to set aside money to help cover the cost of these books that I probably won’t read anyway. Unfortunately, I always seem to underestimate how much these cost, and find myself frantically searching through many used textbook websites for the cheapest one.
If you are a victim to any one of these money wasters, you are not alone!