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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Siena chapter.

Over the summer I decided to read the book Normal People written by Sally Rooney. Many people were recommending it at the time so I figured I’d try it out. Long story short I finished the book in two days. I became enthralled with the characters and how relatable they were. After I finished the book, I did my usual post-book research to delay the inevitable reality that there are no more chapters to read. To my surprise, I discovered that Hulu released a show based on the book, Normal People, directed by Lenny Abrahamson and Hettie Macdonald. The show stars Paul Mescal and Daisy Edgar-Jones who were casted perfectly as the characters. Another great aspect of the show is that Sally Rooney, the author of the book, was on set the entire time making sure that the book was properly adapted into the show. Here are 5 reasons why everyone should watch Normal People.

Paul Mescal

Paul Mescal portrays Connell Waldron perfectly throughout the show. He is able to capture Connell’s shy personality while also emphasizing his need to please others. Mescal is able to bring Connell to life not only through words but also facial expressions and overall body language.

Daisy Edgar-Jones

Daisy Edgar-Jones portrays Marianne’s character extremely well. She is exactly what I envisioned Marianne to look and act like after I read the book. The actress was able to capture the character’s stubbornness and know-it-all tendencies while also remaining likable.

The relatability of the characters

After I read the book and watched the show, I found myself connected to Connell. He has a constant urge to please others and be seen in a certain way. He follows the crowd and begins to have anxiety surrounding how he acts or how he is perceived. In the show he discusses how he doesn’t know who he really is and he tries on different versions of himself but none of them seem to fit. This is extremely relatable for college students who are discovering themselves and what they want to do with their lives.

The soundtrack

Another reason why I love the show is because there is an amazing soundtrack that contributes to the mood and emotions of the different scenes. The directors chose a specific sound for the show by using Irish artists because the book takes place in Dublin, Ireland. Many of the songs are throwbacks which emphasize the nostalgic feeling you get when you watch the show. I also like many of the songs because of the emotions they invoke through the instrumentals. The music paired with the dialogue in each scene is what makes the show great in my opinion.

The lessons

I won’t spoil too much of the show, but I will say that there are many lessons that I learned from it surrounding the ideas of love, communication, and finding yourself. Connell and Marianne face many obstacles throughout the book mainly due to their lack of communication. Connell struggles with depression, anxiety, and a lack of identity. He is able to get through it with the help of his loved ones and therapy. I recommend this show for everyone, but specifically college students who are still discovering themselves.

Michelle Harris is a Siena College Class of 2022 alumna. She studied Marketing during her time at Siena.