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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.

I want to clarify that when I say happiness, what I really mean is contentedness (but the alliteration with habits and happiness looks so much better in the title!). Implementing some great habits into your day to day life is not going to make you overflow with pure joy every day, but it can set you up to live your day with a better mindset and help you feel more content with how you spent your day. I also want to clarify that although these habits will be most effective when performed daily, there is no need to beat yourself up if you forget to do it one day, a few days, or even for a few months. The important thing to remember is that every day you work on one of these potential habits is going to be a better day than if you didn’t.

Habit #1: Write A Gratefulness List

Why: Starting off your day with a grateful heart is one of the easiest ways to shift to a more positive mindset. Being grateful with what you have (people, experiences, opportunities, etc) will help you view your day to come as something that is already inherently wonderful. How: Take a few minutes, or even just one minute, in the beginning of your day to write out some things that you genuinely feel grateful for (not what you think that you should feel grateful for, but what you actually feel grateful for in that moment). You can make a bulleted list or write it out in a little paragraph. You can write in a journal, on a piece of paper, on your phone or computer. Just do whatever is most convenient for you.

Modifications: If your mornings are hectic and the idea of adding another thing to your to-do list seems too overwhelming, try working gratefulness in another way. Take a few moments on your ride/walk to work or school to think about and acknowledge a few key things you feel grateful for.

Habit #2: One Solid Act of Kindness

Why: I think this one is important for a few reasons. The first reason being that making others feel better is a pretty easy way to make ourselves feel better. Another reason being that when we are kind to others, they are more likely to be kind to us, and who doesn’t love that? The final reason being that once you make a habit of performing one act of kindness per day, you will slowly realize how incredibly easy it is to make someone smile, and probably find yourself doing it a whole lot more than once a day. It’s a beautiful cycle! How: This can be done on a  large or small scale. Your act of kindness can be as simple as complimenting someone’s outfit or leaving someone a sweet note. It could also be slightly more elaborate, like doing someone else’s share of the chores or buying someone their favorite food.

Modifications: There are no modifications to this one, you can do it! Again, don’t worry if you forget one day, life is crazy, just try again tomorrow!

Habit #3: Make Your Mantra

Why: Having a specific mantra that aligns with how you want to live your day to day life can help you stay focused and motivated to live your life the way you truly want to. It can bring comfort, motivation, and inspiration. How: My mother’s mantra is “be here now”. This mantra truly resonates with her and means something significant.  Remembering this mantra has helped her remain present and mindful in her day to day life. You can find a mantra that resonates strongly with you and reminds you to live your life the way you want to, possibly by looking at quotes on the internet or by thinking back to meaningful advice from a friend. My mother decided to get her mantra tattooed on her arm as a way to have a constant reminder. You don’t have to go that far, but try writing it out and putting it somewhere in your room, putting it as a reminder on your phone, or repeat it to yourself when you wake up in the morning.

Modifications: None, you can do it!

Habit #4: Rewind and Recap

Why: Ending your day in a place of serenity will help you sleep more soundly, and taking some time to reflect on your day, what worked and what didn’t, can help guide you in improving your days to come. How: Take a few minutes at the end of your day to hydrate, wind down, and reflect briefly on your day. Get some hot tea or water and situate yourself somewhere comfortable and quiet (or as close as you can get to that). Now write out a few things about your day that made you feel good and a few things about your day that make you feel not so good. Maybe even write a sentence or two about something you did that day that you are proud of.

Modifications: You can type on your phone, talk about it with someone else, or just think about it in your mind. The key is taking some time to be present and honest with yourself about your day.


A final clarification: don’t worry about tackling all of these habits right away, even if they all sound like something you want to try. Start with one and see how it goes for a few days. Some of these suggestions will work better for some than others, and trying to implement multiple new habits into your life all at once can be overwhelming and discouraging.

Start small, you’ve got this!

Alyssa is a Sophomore at Simmons University planning on pursuing a Psychology major and Sociology minor. She loves to write and is passionate about mental health!
Julia Hansen is a senior at Simmons studying PR/Marketing Communications and English with minors in cinema, media arts, and graphic design. When not writing for Her Campus, she can be found reading every book she can find, retweeting photos of dogs and binge-watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix. Find her on IG @juliarosehansen