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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.

This semester, I got a chance to intern at a medical school’s office of communications and external relations. I work with the web development department and right now they are working on migrating content from their old website to their new website.

My days usually go something like this:


Wake up at 8am

Figure out an outfit for the office

Walk to work

Grab a Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks

Tap into the building

Put my coat away and log into my special interns computer at my desk

Get working on a project

Sit in on a meeting or two

Leave to get lunch at Simmons (because using my meal plan is better than using cash)

Come back and eat at my desk while continuing the project

Check in with my boss before I head out

Walk to Simmons to continue my day by going to classes

Repeat for 3 days in a row


I know it seems busy AF, but honestly after two weeks of this job, I can say I truly love my internship. Everyone in the office is so kind and helpful and it’s such an amazing opportunity. It’s internships like this that make me excited to start in the workforce.


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Kelly Biondo

Simmons '19

Hi! I'm Kelly and I'm a senior at Simmons University studying PR/MarComm. I am the social media director for Her Campus Simmons and couldn't be happier. In my free time, I walk dogs for Wag, procrastinate or I'm out exploring Boston. Follow me on Instagram @kelllybiondo to see what I'm up to!