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Why You Should Join Simmons Stitches

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Simmons chapter.

Simmons Stitches, arguably one of the best clubs on campus, meets two nights every week to knit, sew, cross-stitch, crochet, or do any other craft you want to do. This is why YOU should join the fun!


We Teach Beginners

You don’t need to know how to knit to join us! Our members will teach you and we have needles and yarn for you to learn with. Learning to knit is as fast as an hour with a bit of practice and the more you knit the better you get. With the stitches team by your side, you’ll be completing projects in no time, learning new stitches by the end of next semester, and sharing your new talent with you family.


Everyone is at a Different Skill Level

Simmons Stitches is for people of all skill levels. There are people who have been knitting since they were kids, people who have been knitting since they were in high school, and people who just started last month. We all learn from each other and share ideas on designs and new techniques.


We Have Supplies

Simmons Stitches has a bin of supplies to start you off! The needles have to be returned to the bin when you’re done, but if you join us, I’m sure you’ll end up with a bunch of pairs of your own like the rest of us. There is a variety of yarn from thin to thick, and all the colors of the rainbow. 


Knitting Helps You Stay Warm

In case you haven’t noticed somehow, it’s cold here in Boston. Knitting is an easy way to keep yourself warm. Rather than spending $20 on a new scarf from a store, why not make your own? It’s more sustainable, cheaper, and you get to say you made it yourself. Scarves are a great starting place, and once you master those, hats aren’t much more difficult. 


Knitting is Self-Care

Self-care is super important for us college kids. Making time for yourself to craft is a great way to give yourself a break from all the studying. Knitting for an hour twice a week with Simmons Stitches is a built in break. You don’t even have to plan the time yourself! I find that when I learn a new stitch or a new pattern, it’s a serious morale booster. I can impress my friends with it, and I feel accomplished that I’ve improved and can make more complex designs.


Everyone is Super Nice!

Knitting club was the first club I joined at Simmons and the girls I met there are amazing. Maddie, Madi, and Leah were the first non-freshman I got to know, and they are supportive and full of advice for confused freshmen. As the group has expanded, I’ve found amazing friends and a community where we can all express ourselves freely. 


Join Simmons Stitches in South Hall Mondays and Thursdays at 7:00 pm! 


Hayden is a junior at Simmons University studying Psychology and History. She loves to read, write, knit, and sing. She also loves watching RuPaul's Drag Race, Criminal Minds, and Jurassic Park. Hayden is working towards a possible career in correctional/criminal or child psychology.
Julia Hansen is a senior at Simmons studying PR/Marketing Communications and English with minors in cinema, media arts, and graphic design. When not writing for Her Campus, she can be found reading every book she can find, retweeting photos of dogs and binge-watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix. Find her on IG @juliarosehansen