On August 23rd, I went to a class on campus for the first time. I haven’t gone to an in person class since lockdown last year, so I didn’t really know what to expect. One year of my supposed “college experience” was wasted online. While I waited for the day, many questions filled my mind.
Will I get lost on my first day? Would there be a lot of people? Would I be the only one in the classroom besides my professor?
To say I was worried about it would be an understatement. The panic didn’t really hit me as much as it did the week before, especially since I realized none of my friends would be going to campus with me.
Fortunately, I didn’t get lost, and made it to the lecture room with time to spare. The atmosphere was awkward, everyone just mingled with the people they knew.I just looked at my phone and browsed social media. It was silent, and whenever I looked around everyone was on their phones or talking with their friends.
Luckily, our professor had entered and the first thing she did was make everyone comfortable. I was very grateful for that, considering how much I hate awkwardness with a passion. We went over the syllabus and what was to be expected of the class, and then we were let go.
When I went outside, I saw people in a line for something on some tables. My campus’s Weeks of Welcome were giving out free stuff, so naturally I had to go get some before I left home. They were, well, welcoming to the students, greeting everyone nicely while handing us our gifts.
On the way home I realized that this wasn’t so bad. While the risk of the virus still hung over our heads, the staff and students did their best to make everyone feel accepted. I still had my worries, but I was glad there were people there to make everyone feel welcomed to the school.
For the first time in a long while, I was excited to be back at school. I missed the vibrant environment of the first day of school,and getting to see and meet new people. Granted, there were still certain restrictions, but they didn’t dampen the mood.
I understand my experience on campus will be different from someone else’s. There are still people more wary about the virus and prefer staying at home. While I enjoyed being on campus and meeting new people, others would like the Zoom format more and focus better that way.
Although things are still up in the air about whether or not we’re staying with hybrid class , I’m willing to enjoy things as they are now while I can.