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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Renting an apartment as a college student is probably one of the most difficult experiences faced outside of school. According to WBUR, a survey of financial data showed that an estimate of 57,000 students is homeless across the country. It also states that the University of California system says that 1 in 10 of its students was homeless and 1 in 5 didn’t have enough to eat. College students like myself are struggling to live comfortably while maintaining a balance between school work, work, relationships and social life.

From personal experience, it had led major stress on top of schoolwork and finances. When I transferred out of a community college, I was excited to enter into a University and live the total college experience. My family was unable to afford the cost of campus housing and with that being out of the picture my only option was to find an apartment. Luckily my older sister’s lease was up and her roommate was going to renew her lease and I decided to move in and be her roommate. I was excited to live away from home and have my privacy but I did not realize how much stress it could be.

Living in the Bay Area, let alone Silicon Valley and let alone Downtown San Jose, I found myself living paycheck to paycheck. Before moving out my paychecks were for me to spend, but then my paychecks every month were set one for the utility bills and the other on rent, oh how I missed being a certified shopaholic. The little that was left over after paying my bills was for me to spend, keep in mind I still to pay for groceries and gas that I would hope to last me for two weeks. I was finding myself struggling and sometimes would even miss meals at times because it was either gas or food and I needed gas in order to get to work. I would also have to pick up shifts at work or stay long hours in order to make ends meet. There would be moments I would cry and regret my decision of moving out and it would have been smarter to live at home and save money for my school loans instead of moving out.

Moving out is definitely tough but we can never forget that our tuition covers our resources that are accessible to students especially in times of need.Never miss another meal again and check out what is accessible to you.Click here.


I am an aspiring broadcast journalists working hard to fulfill my dream career. I come a big Mexican family and was always taught to work hard for what I want, nothing will ever be handed to me. I also learned that there is no one I need to prove myself to except for me. I am finishing my studies at SJSU, majoring in journalism with an academic focus in Spanish. I come from a Spanish speaking background and hope to utilize my Spanish in my future career as a journalist. After college I plan to find a place in the entertainment industry and host numerous red carpets and also go back to school and get into the field of real estate. Real estate you may ask? Yes, real estate, I have many things I want to do in life because I am not a person who only settles on one thing. If I had a super power I would choose being in many places at once. I want to earn many academic degrees, visit many countries and learn a piece of their culture, meet new people all over the world, travel and make an impact in the world for the good. While my mind goes crazy with many ideas, I like to relax at home while drinking and tasting different wines, laying in bed and binge watching shows on Netflix.
Shellise West is the current campus correspondent at San Jose State University. Majoring in journalism with a minor in radio, television and film she plans to not fall short of fulfilling her dream as a sports reporter. A Bay Area native her hobbies include singing, dancing and listening to music. Follow Shellise on Twitter @SoulfulPenned.