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Top 5 Self-Care Tips for Busy Students 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Let’s be honest—college can be a lot. Between classes, projects, and trying to maintain a social life, it feels like there’s barely any time left to take care of yourself. But self-care is so important to keeping your stress levels in check and avoiding burnout. Here are five simple self-care tips that can make a big difference, even on your busiest days:

1. Get Enough Sleep

I know that staying up late to cram for an exam or scrolling through TikTok might seem like a good idea at the moment, but your body will be mad at you later. Without proper sleep, everything else becomes harder. Lack of sleep messes with your focus and mood, so aim for a good 7–9 hours each night.

Tip: Try winding down before bed with some calming music or by reading a book (not a textbook). It’s all about creating a routine that helps you relax.

2. Give Yourself Breaks While Studying

Have you ever sat at your desk for hours, feeling like you’re getting nowhere? That’s a sign you need a break. Short study breaks can help you focus better in the long run. You don’t have to overthink it—try studying for 25 minutes, then take a five-minute break to stretch or grab a snack.

Tip: Use your break to move around. A little bit of stretching or a quick walk outside can help shake off that mental fog.

3. Practice Being Present

Mindfulness is a huge help when stress starts piling up. You don’t have to meditate for hours; it can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths when things get overwhelming. Journaling, sitting quietly, or even doing a five-minute meditation can help clear your mind and reset your mood.

Tip: Try setting aside a few minutes in the morning or before bed for some mindful breathing or writing down your thoughts. You’d be surprised how much lighter you can feel afterward.

4. Fuel Your Body with Good Food

Comfort food is great (and necessary sometimes), but remember to give your body the nutrients it needs to keep you going. A balanced diet helps your energy, mood, and focus, which is vital for being a good student. You don’t have to cook complicated meals— simple stuff like smoothies or healthy snacks are awesome.

Tip: Prep some easy snacks like nuts, yogurt, or fruit to have on hand when you’re rushing between classes.

5. Set Boundaries and Protect Your Time

It’s okay to say no sometimes. Whether it’s skipping out on a night out or taking time off from social media, setting boundaries is a form of self-care. You don’t have to do it all, and it’s perfectly fine to step back when you need to recharge.

Tip: Block out time in your calendar for breaks and self-care activities, just like you would for studying or other commitments. It’ll help you stay balanced and avoid burnout.

College can be overwhelming at times, but taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be. Even with a busy schedule, small moments of self-care can make a big difference in how you feel. You deserve to prioritize your well-being, and when you do, everything else becomes just a bit easier to handle. So, take that nap, eat something nourishing, and give yourself the grace to pause. Your future self will thank you. 

How will you take care of yourself? Let us know @HerCampusSJSU!

hi! my name is ria and im a freshman at san jose state, majoring in psychology! I love exploring new things, spending time with loved ones, music, and of corse writing. hope you stay <3