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Campus Celebrity: Ben Chapman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Ben Chapman, this week’s Campus Celeb, proves to be one of the most involved and energetic students on SJU’s campus. He is an outgoing, passionate, and talented leader who brings his own unique qualities into each event and group he participates in. Being only a sophomore, we will be sure to see him around campus the next few years making a tremendous impact on our student body.


Hometown: Rochester, NY


Major: Psychology and Communications Studies Double Major


Ben, what is the aspect you love most about SJU?

There is a rich sense of community that can be found almost anywhere on this campus.  Whether it’s sitting in Campion or walking to class you’re bound to see someone you are friends with (or at least acquaintances) who will give you a friendly smile or a hello.


Campus Involvements/Leadership Positions:

·      On-Campus Chair for Student Union Board (S.U.B.)

·      Public Relations Chair/Senator for the Class of 2016 for the University Student Senate

·      Member of Phi Sigma Pi (Honors Fraternity)

·      Appalachia

·      Relay for Life Committee

Are there any fun facts about Greek Life or, specifically, Phi Sigma Pi at SJU that you would like to share?

We are most definitely one of the most diverse groups on campus. We have members involved in so many different organizations such as DSP, Alpha Phi, AGD, Red Shirts, Hawk Hosts, RAs, Athletic teams, etc.


What would you say has been your favorite memory so far during your time at SJU?

I think that my favorite memory so far at SJU would have to be when I found out I was elected as a freshman senator. The competition was pretty stiff (36 people for 7 spots) and I really had no idea what my chances were since elections were only about a month after we moved in.


What is your future career plan?

My dream is to work in the field of Public Relations in the Music Industry, for example, a band, venue, or production company.


-Rachel Quinn