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Campus Cutie of September 2013: Nicole Benzing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

This month was my turn to find the Campus Cutie of the month for SJU. And you know what? I picked a girl.

Here’s why:

Not every girl on campus is into guys. Duh! Probably all of us have some type of girl crush on another girl, whether it be for her looks, style, or personality. Straight or not, HerCampus SJU Campus Cutie is not going to be chosen from just men, but also the ladies. I chose Nicole Benzing as our CC because she is a confident lesbian in the SJU community and owns it. And that my readers, is a real woman. Want to know more about Nicole? Read on…


Katie- What has been your experience as a lesbian specifically on SJU’s campus?

Nicole- My experience as a lesbian on campus has been a rather positive one. I’m very fortunate to be openly gay on such an accepting campus. Although SJU is a Catholic university, it has been one of the best environments for the LGBTQ community. I could not have asked for more supportive friends and faculty here on campus. For the past two years, all of my closest SJU friends have been there to support me. Last year was the most highly attended “Speak Out”, and the constant growth in support has been very touching.

K-  Do you feel empowered, silenced, or any similar types of emotions by the community at SJU?

N- As president of the Gay-Straight Alliance on campus, being a lesbian has been a very empowering experience. I could probably count the number of openly gay girls on campus on hands, so it’s empowering to be a part of such a minority group. However, with that sense of empowerment comes the reality of ignorance. For example, I have heard guys on campus express their disappointment because I “swing for the other team.” Or recently two girls were inquiring about my sexuality, and one of them said something along the lines of,  “it’s a shame I’m a lesbian, because I’m really pretty and a guy would love to date me.” These statements don’t necessarily bother me, but it just makes me wonder how much more people need to be educated about the LGBTQ community. 

K- We want the real 411! What’s your love life like? Is it easy for LGBTQ’s on campus to hook up, date, or not so much?

N- Well, I’m currently in a long-distance relationship, so my love life is not the most hook-up infused scene, but that’s perfectly ok with me! To be honest, it’s actually pretty hard for LGBTQ’s to meet each other on campus. Not every one feels comfortable enough to come out on campus, and the idea of “gaydar” is not as accurate as you would think. A few of the lesbian couples I  know on campus include girls that have never dated a girl in the past. When it comes down to it, you just can’t help who you’re attracted to – whether it’s a boy, a girl, or your best friend. We do frequently go out to gay bars/clubs in the city where we meet other LGBTQ students from other schools and meet people within the larger community in Philadelphia. 

K- Did you come out at SJU?

N- My coming out story is an interesting one, because I came out, went back into the closet, and then came out again at SJU. I went to an all-girls, Catholic high school where two girls were asked to leave because they were dating each other, so I didn’t have the most accepting environment for coming out. However, I came out sophomore-year in high school when I dated my first girlfriend, but senior year I somehow convinced myself I was meant to marry a man. So senior year, I had a boyfriend and became unnecessarily religious.     Freshman year at SJU I had a very short-term boyfriend in the fall, and then came back out of the closet spring semester. So, I guess you could say I cameout at SJU..

K- Who is your ultimate celeb crush?

N- I’m usually not into blondes, but I have to say Scarlett Johansson is very easy on the eyes. 

K-Any future hopes for LGBT community on Hawk Hill?

N- As the President of GSA, I hope to see a larger organization grow from the very sound foundation we have now. Over the past two years, the LGBTQ community at Hawk Hill has almost doubled, and more students are seeking support from the GSA. I hope to see a more closely-knit community on campus and more integration of the GSA among other organizations. Education is awareness, and the more we educate others about the LGBTQ community, the more aware people can become about human rights as a movement in general. I just want people to be happy with who they are as a person, and our campus should be a place that welcomes students to be exactly who they are meant to be. 

Quick Facts:

Name: Nicole Benzing

Class of: 2014

Favorite Place on Campus: 3rd floor of Campion…no joke

Favorite Place for a Date: El Vez, they have an old fashioned photobooth too!

 Single/Taken: Taken! I’ve been dating my perfect girlfriend, Emily Smith, for over a year and a half. She graduated from SJU last year and is currently doing the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in New Orleans at Orleans Public Defenders.  I can’t wait for her to visit over Fall Break!

Nicole and her girlfriend, Emily Smith (so cute, right?)


Describe yourself in only ONE word: Loving

Deal breaker about a significant other: They have to be original, intelligent, and passionate. Emily is all of the above. We’re both intelligent in very contrasting ways, but it allows us to admire each other in almost everything we do.  It’s nice to feel like the most important person in the world while implementing the same feeling onto someone else. 

Hello Collegiettes! My name is Kate Gentile and I am a current junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My favorite things include my dog Lilly, traveling and really arsty instagrams. Oh, and I am obsessed with Kate Middleton AND Beyonce.I am a Comm major and double minor in Advertising, PR, and Entertainment Marketing. During my time at SJU, I have interned at Philly Mag, became a sister of Alpha Phi and studied abroad last semester in Roma, Italy.After studying abroad, I now want to see many places all over the world and live for moments of beautiful unplanned enjoyment- random road trips to the beach, stopping for a drink at a cool dive bar- you name it, I am down to experience!HC SJU is an amazing team of 40+ girls (and growing) who want to offer you content of news, love, college and more. I hope you enjoy the HC SJU site and my own writing!HC XO,Kate