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The Day in the Life of Her Intern

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

The Day in the Life of a Her Intern: Philadelphia Style


            Choosing your school, you just know where you belong! Making friends, of course—friends for life! Selecting a major, struggle city! I’ve always wondered—how can you possibly know what you want to do for the rest of your life when you’re just twenty years old? If you ask me, that is enough to cause a quarter life crisis!

            Getting to experience your selection is one of the most fulfilling ways to really turn that word on paper into a reality. I must say, a summer full of spending time with family and friends creates great memories but being able to experience the “real-working world” all in one summer is very empowering!

            I started my summer having the opportunity to live this dream in the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, where I am pursuing an audit internship with a large company. Although, I have learned the in’s and out’s of what makes my everyday life a little simpler at work—I may or may not have been “that girl” locked out of the office during lunch one day. Here are a few tips I wish I did not have to find out on my own:

·      Do NOT be afraid to ask questions!! Everyone says it, please BELIEVE IT! You’re not expected to know everything, let alone anything! The more questions your ask, the more interested you seem.

·      No question is a stupid question. In fact, a girl on my team wasn’t sure how to turn an Apple laptop on. This is such a simple task but I am sure this was not the first time the question was asked—my senior manager did not even hesitate to answer.

·      Use Notes. We all carry our smart phones with us, use it for more ways than just checking your Instagram or tweeting about that awful outfit you saw on the train. Notes, a great app on all iPhones, is a great way to track train times, flight schedules, office numbers or simple “must knows” that could completely slip your mind over the course of the day.

·      A handshake goes a long way. Always make a point to introduce yourself to every person in the office or in your workspace and remember his or her name. It is simple to introduce yourself but in order for a conversation to be meaningful, make sure you do take the time to make a connection with the person. You never know what kind of opportunities can open up!

·      Make YOU time. Never let your jobs rule your life. There is a major difference between a dedicated, hard worker and letting work control your life. There will be days that you may need to work longer hours but be sure to continue enjoying what you love to do such as attending that 7 p.m., Wednesday yoga class or meeting up with your friends for dinner. It is all about striving for that, “work-life” balance.

·      “My Name is….”!  Finally, you got the job. Your personality is how you got to where you are today and never lose sight of who you are. It is time to make a name for yourself, sell your brand! The way you work and the projects you complete are true indications of your work ethic but your personality makes you unique so do not be afraid to make mistakes, make a few jokes and inquire on your co-workers’ lives.




–HC Lauren Brands