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Fourteen Tips for a Newly Sophisticated You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

As much as you choose to deny and defy your plans for January 1st, most New Year’s resolutions become the epitome of how to not start your new year. Many people struggle to tackle a resolution that is so generic and just so unoriginal; in fact it becomes very unrealistic from the get go and almost unmanageable. This results in failure, disappointment and total dismissal of your true intentions to define who you want to be in 2014!

I am no professional, but from one woman to another, multitasking is one of our best assets and an even better way to sense accomplishment. With that said, instead of focusing on just one particular goal, I think it is much more suitable to take advantage of this “new year, new you” phenomenon under a different light. This time, reevaluate minor ways to improve yourself and I know you will be able to create a more sophisticated profile of yourself in just fourteen essential ways!

1.    Dress Well and Work Out; Photoshop is not an option.  

As much as we all appreciate a sweat pants and lounge wear kind of day, do not make this look your everyday. I don’t care how broke you think you are, everyone can find a way to find a few staple pieces and wear them perfectly. I am not saying, wear the same pair of denims until there are holes (that’s totally Hollister 2002)…invest in items that when taken care of, can promote professionalism while retaining your budget. Appreciate high quality items and they will only inspire you. And while you’re at it, make it a promise to work out when you can. It is a leisure, no pain activity and even inspiring, bank ten miles…buy a new sweater, it’s well earned.

2.    Educate Yourself, you’re paying for it or someone is.

When in doubt, it may be easier to Google the answer on your take-home midterm. If only you were paying that search engine $50,000 a year to teach you something. Take complete advantage of the education you’re paying for, take notes in class and ask the professor questions. If you haven’t started now, four years fly—take advantage of what you have left.  

3.   Follow your dreams, sky’s the limit! (Not kidding…take a plane if necessary.)

Have you ever wanted to travel abroad? Take on a new city? Simply, try out that restaurant you saw on “Diners, Drive In’s and Dives.” Really…who is stopping you aside from yourself? Work hard; make the money, take a few friends and as Nike states, “Just do It!” Live your life with a rhyme and purpose.

4.   Don’t be “that girl”, be THE GIRL.

The world can be a large cat fight, “girl-eat-girl kinda world.” Do not let yourself be surrounded by these vibes. Haven’t you heard, kindness can kill? Yes, I am letting you stoop to the level—conquer a beetch with total kindness, it screams confidence and creates total toughness of “The Girl” in the class, office or room that everyone wants to be.

5.    Do not be afraid to say NO!

I am the ultimate worst at my own number five. I think I am invincible, I can do it all, alone. FALSE! I can never use the bad, two letter word “n-o” and this year, I am going to put my foot down and realize it is okay to not be involved in everything and it is okay to devote 110% to a few things as opposed to 50% to every club on campus.

6.   Purchase foundation that costs more than $5, because you’re worth it.

You are worth more than five dollars…if you’re going to do the job, do it properly. Biggest Pet Peeve, Pumpkin Face. There is nothing more than the want to call a girl out who has no idea her face, does not match her neck…it is that “oh so natural” orange. Take the time to go see a make up artist at Sephora, Chanel or MAC and make the investment every season—you skin changes in the winter as opposed to a tanned up summer glow.

7.   Don’t open a credit card, regardless of the discount you get today.

Maybe 15% off that pair of Tory Burch flats you get today at Saks is worth the steal. Think again, what are you doing opening a discount card if you think you can afford the shoes at regular price to begin with? This is only opening the doors to a future of terrible credit, late payments and a call to BANKRUPTCY. Listen up, the Wolf of Wallstreet showed us all what a world of investment can do for you—credit cards not being one. (P.S. I am not endorsing penny stocks!)

8.   Keep Calm & Buy a Coffee

No matter what you just heard, you just saw…you do not care! Never will there ever be a situation you need to confront so forcefully that you will not look back and think…”LOL!” I am stressing the point to truly think about the consequences before you make an at the moment decision. Therefore, walk away and go get yourself a caffeine fix. Preferably, a Grande Pike Place roast from Starbucks. It’s a medium blend, enough to settle your mind and give you the energy to pursue a more important matter. Don’t Fret!

9.   Cry!

I don’t care how often, just do not do it everyday…bad for the eyes. But, do not let a situation escalate to a mental break down. Sometimes, all you truly need is a cry session with your best friend over a Margarita. (I am also not endorsing alcoholism, just one is sufficient.)

10. Love who you are! Do Not Settle for Less.

It is simple. You deserve to be loved by someone who will love you as much as you love yourself. And most importantly, don’t use sex to get what you want. Yeah, it is a great way to feel “a little” awesome for one night but the next day… Who was that? Do I have his number? Do I even want his number? As much fun as this tends to be at first, it will begin to eat you alive at one point or another. Don’t let this become a trend. A one night stand should happen once…unless it’s meant to be, it will be.

11. Design your Elevator Speech.

You never know who you will meet. An elevator speech is an introduction about yourself that will set anyone to want to learn more about you. I am not saying simply your name and major…there is more to you than I am sure you even know. For instance, “My name is Lauren, I am Accounting/BI major and I am more than excited to start venturing into the real world as I start my third internship at “this firm” where I am looking to explore all there is to offer while pursuing my passion to continue running on my spare time, taking classes as a full time undergrad, and my enjoyment in several activities I am involved with on campus.” Question Away!!

12. Own up to what you say, even over Social Media! BYE BYE!

There is no need to waste time contemplating an error. If you think it has the possibility to be wrong, it’s wrong. Own up to it! There’s a thing called jealous, people will hate you because “they ain’t” you but remain calm and classy in your new defined success. People will also hate you for the petty mistakes that happen in every day life such as something as simple as a “tweet about that one time”, if it was you… be the bigger person to apologize first. And then, invite them along for the ride…they will either forgive and forget or just miss out on an adventure of a lifetime. P.s. Limit your social media use this year, it’s cool now but look at what happened to Myspace! 

13. You only have ten years to be 20, don’t be afraid of change.

You only are as old as you act. You’re young, you’ve only start the cycle of independency. Don’t be stupid but do not live in fear. This is the time of your life to explore the unknown…single, dating, taken…regardless, life is too short to look back thinking, I could have, should have, would have because YOU CAN! But, lets not be too extreme…you still have 30 to look forward to.

14. Don’t dwell on the past, tomorrow is another day.

My freshmen year roommate told me, you have a week for every year you were dating him. This was after my boyfriend of two years broke up with me; I thought it was the end of world. Therefore, if you seriously dated a boy for two thoughtful years you have two weeks to waste away. That can be fourteen consecutive days or fourteen days scattered through out the year. Believe me, you’re going to get tired of counting and realize…you don’t have time for that! Every day is a blessing, live everyday as if it’s your last…heartache can be a back ache, don’t let it break you.