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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

If you’re anything like I was second semester freshman year, you’re probably already thinking about where you want to live sophomore year. And you’re most likely trying to figure out the stressful, drama-filled roommate process. Trust me, it is not a fun process, but it all really does work out in the end. My roommates and I were too lazy to go on any of the housing tours, yet we stressed every night about where to live. We asked as many people as we could to get opinions on where we should live, but everyone seemed to describe their housing as the best. Throughout the process we wished we were given pictures of each place, instead of the blue print of each building that is offered through SJU. I really hope that you find this article helpful as well as the pictures! All of the apartments are great, just keep an open mind and you will get through it.



Lannon is the closest sophomore dorm to campus, as well as being the newest. It is nearby Starbucks, perfect for your morning coffee on the way to class. You can also enter a drawing to get a parking pass— a huge perk!



Rashford is next to Lannon and also only a quick walk to campus. It offers many of the same advantages seen above! And if you don’t like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts is only a block away!



Ashwood apartments are huge and feel like the opposite of a freshman dorm! (The living room is bigger than my room at home.) It is also only a quick 10-minute walk to campus and 5 minutes from your friends in Pennbrook.



Pennbrook offers the widest variety of apartment styles. (I live in the basement in a 5 bedroom apartment with my 5 roommates!) Even though it is technically still a dorm, it truly feels like a real-life apartment inside. It is also directly across the street from the train station and a block away from Overbrook Pizza.



Lancaster apartments are definitely the coziest. Like Pennbrook, there are a variety of apartment styles to choose from. It may seem far from campus but I can promise you that the walk is not that bad. (And the shuttle comes like clockwork if you aren’t always up to walk!)  



Good luck and happy hunting!

