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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

                                           When in Rome

It started with the Cheetah girls. Then the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Now in our twenties, it’s all about the classic Sex and the City. No, I am not talking about the young puppy love turning into adult romances. I’m talking about the seemingly effortless relationships all the female characters have with each other.


Why does it seem like every movie, show, or book have four best friends that pretty much perfectly fit each other like a glove to a hand? Or more importantly, why does it seem like nothing ever bad happens? Yea, Carrie got pissed at Miranda for basically being the one to ruin her wedding to Mr. Big; but that lasted like, a whole 3 minutes.

Friendships are just as hard as a relationship with a boy, as I’m sure many of you know from being in college. They are complicated, intense, and beautiful.

SJU has given me more than three close friends, and I bet SJU has given you great girlfriends too. However, after living in Rome for 6 weeks, I have discovered the importance of friendship at a level I never knew existed till coming here. A real friendship is meant to make you feel emotion, make you love life, and make you love yourself.

Here, I am telling you three important friendships I have made in college and decided to keep because they make me a better person:


1.The “fun” friend

This is not the party girl. This is the girl who is full of life in the most beautiful way. She wakes up every day with a positive attitude. She feels everything, happy or sad. She is the friend I go to when I want to just be. She is simple in the most amazing way. Nothing about her is super complex, and I envy her at how she captures moments. She brings joy to many people’s faces. This friend encourages me to try to live my day to the fullest. Nothing is complicated about our friendship. This is the friend who enjoys life.

What she will do for you:

She will bring you laughter, plain and simple. She will teach you how to capture moments, big and small. She will show you how to be happy.

2.The “outlet” friend

I am constantly writing in my journal. But my journal doesn’t talk back. This is where my outlet friend comes in. This is the girl who understands you.  She gets you to open up about your dreams, fears, and goals. After many heart to hearts, she makes you want to achieve your goals no matter how far they might seem. She makes you want to be the woman you are meant to be. She connects with you on a deep level. She is courageous, smart, and intense. She will push you to be more than you are. Find this friend to reach goals with. This is the friend who goes after her dreams.

What she will do for you:

She will listen. She will understand when you feel things. She will also try new things with you. She will take you out of your comfort zone so you become a more evolved person.

3. The “honest” friend

She will make you laugh and make you cry. Even when you don’t want to hear it, she will give it to you straight. She keeps it real, because she loves you. Go to her when you want to fix your problems. She will help you by voicing her opinion, or by her silence. I started off in Rome shaky, but with a little tough love from my “honest” friend, I grew up; like she told me too. She will always be happy for you, because she genuinely cares for you. Find this friend that will keep you balanced. This is the friend who is straightforward.

What she will do for you:

She will make you strong. She will make you face your enemies, and you will thank her later in life. She will never betray you, and always remain loyal.

Keep your eyes out and your heart open for these three types of friendships that you had, have, or may have one day. SJU is full of wonderful women who strive to be fun, courageous, and honest.

William Penn once said, “A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.”



Hello Collegiettes! My name is Kate Gentile and I am a current junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My favorite things include my dog Lilly, traveling and really arsty instagrams. Oh, and I am obsessed with Kate Middleton AND Beyonce.I am a Comm major and double minor in Advertising, PR, and Entertainment Marketing. During my time at SJU, I have interned at Philly Mag, became a sister of Alpha Phi and studied abroad last semester in Roma, Italy.After studying abroad, I now want to see many places all over the world and live for moments of beautiful unplanned enjoyment- random road trips to the beach, stopping for a drink at a cool dive bar- you name it, I am down to experience!HC SJU is an amazing team of 40+ girls (and growing) who want to offer you content of news, love, college and more. I hope you enjoy the HC SJU site and my own writing!HC XO,Kate