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You Know You Go to SJU When…(As Told in Gifs)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

1. You notice and accept the lack of diversity.


2. There’s no parking spots anywhere at 9 AM M-F.


3. Campion is never satisfying so you end up at DB late at night for fried food. 


4. The shuttle is always so late that you walk against your will.




5. You get constant snapshots of “club lib” during the week.




6. You’ve been to Cuddies third floor.



7. You see the girl or guy you kissed over the weekend on Monday. 


8. When people from outside SJU ask you what the magis is…and you don’t really know the answer.


9. When you still don’t know the difference between BL and BE and you end up walking to the wrong one.



10. “A grade has been edited in a course” is the scariest subject line of an email from your professor.


11. You’re always looking for an email from Ernest Hospedale. 


12. You see at least one Instagram of Barbelin a week. 




13. When the shuttle app never works.




14. Chipotle solves all life problems.



15. You don’t know anyone besides your roommates and suite mates until you start getting involved spring semester.





16. You never have WIFI on campus because of  SJU Wireless. 




17. Your night is made if you’re a sophomore and get into Cuddies.


18. The library is actually the worst place to study during finals week.



19. You go to the health center for the flu and they tell you to take Motrin.




20. Saint Patrick’s Day is the Best. Day. Ever.



21. More than half your class is absent on a Friday.