It’s the first day of freshman year. You’re nervous and excited and your parents are embarrassing you out of your mind. You simultaneously want to kill them and never let them leave you. You and your new friends are exploring campus, D-Hall, and the party scene, and you’re starting to get a grasp on how to be fully independent.
Then, before you know it, you’re a senior. You have your own room, a big bed, and an apartment full of your friends. You’ve settled into your major and you’re starting to get a hang of this whole college thing. In the first few weeks, though, you realize that being a senior comes with a certain mental territory; but that’s okay, you’re ready to take it in stride. Many of the things you’re feeling and thinking are applicable to the entire senior class. In fact, they may be the essential ways you know you’re a senior.
1. You respond like this when people ask if you’re a freshman: 2. You don’t worry about falling asleep in class:
3. You’ve gotten over trying to find a significant other. Your body pillow will never leave you:
4. You know this is the right course of action to take as soon as you’re home Saturday night:
5. You look something like this when your professor calls on you and you haven’t done the reading:
6. This is the way you feel about all the stupid mistakes you made while drunk:
7. You and your friends feel really proud when you actually make it to all your classes in a week:
8. You know exactly how to write a paper when you haven’t done the reading: 9. You tend to feel like this when you go into D-Hall:
10. The way you feel when you realize it’s your last year in this magical place: