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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

“Girl Math” is a term that recently gained a lot of popularity on social media platforms where users describe unconventional ways of justifying purchases or financial decisions in a humorous light. It frames purchases in a more favorable light, like seeing money from a return or refund as free money to spend or breaking down, anything paid in cash is not actual money spent because the bank account balance doesn’t change, or anything under $5 is considered free. 

We all LOVE “Girl Math” justifying our purchases to make ourselves feel better is a win. But, if we’re being honest with ourselves, it’s not viable for our personal finances … unless we want our bank accounts to end up in the negatives. 

So, I have compiled a list of my top 3 “Girl Math” friendly budgeting tips that will have all my girl mather’s bank accounts thanking them. 

Tip 1: Thrifting!

Thrifting is a great way to be able to purchase new clothes while saving money, and, mentally, it’s a great way to justify purchases. My 3 favorite thrifting spots in Saratoga Springs are Treasures Thrift Shop, Noah’s Attic, and the Vintage Shop. 

Tip 2: Load those gift cards!

A very important rule of “Girl Math” is that once money is loaded onto a gift card or an app, purchases with that money are considered “free.” For each week give yourself a strict amount of money you are allowed to spend at Starbucks* and load that money into the app. Let’s say that amount is $20. You are only allowed to spend that amount of money at Starbucks during the week and it has to be the money you loaded into the app. If you run out of money, then you are done with your Starbucks runs for the week. If the end of the week comes and you have money left over, amazing! The next week, you now only have to load the amount to get your balance up to $20. For example, if the week ends and I still have $5 left in my Starbucks balance, I only have to load $15 for this upcoming week.  

* This tip is in the context of Starbucks but can be used for any place of your choosing

Tip 3: Get Venmo and apply for a Venmo card!

According to “Girl Math,” any purchases made using cash are considered free because the bank account balance does not change. For this tip, you need to have a Venmo and apply for the Venmo card. Instead of having your friends pay you back in cash, have them venmo you. When you have the Venmo card, you are able to complete Venmo transactions and make purchases using the money in your Venmo balance. This is essentially the same thing as using cash, however, now you are able to see a change in the balance from purchases and transactions. You can also deposit any cash into your Venmo balance. This really helps you understand the value of the money you are spending, and can help take away a little bit of that “cash is free” feeling without it feeling as intense as spending money from your bank account preserving that “Girl Math” vibe. 

Lily Klau

Skidmore '27

Hi, I'm Lily! I'm a sophomore from Westport, CT, and I am a Business & Management and Economics double major. I am the Career section editor. I love spending time with family and friends, reading, and volunteering at animal shelters.