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If Skidmore Were Sochi, These Would Be Our Games

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

Watching the Sochi Olympics can be inspiring, but it’s hard to pursue the dream when there are no luge or shuffleboard curling tracks in sight. Luckily, Skiddies are creative, and so our very own campus would be the perfect place to create a whole new array of games. Allow us to introduce you to the Skidlympics, your new favorite Sochi alternative. If the Skidlympics ever were to happen (fingers crossed for that 2022 bid!), these would be some of the crucial games:

1. Rolling down the hill in Northwoods. Or if you’re feeling really daring, the hill to Sussman. Double points if you don’t break anything.


2. Chicken Finger Friday eat-off in DHall. Or, during those special, sacred times of year, the infamous WaffleFest feasting contest (WITH syrup, whipped cream, and those weird sausage/pancake corndogs).


3. Making it through an entire Pony Club evening at Mine, or maybe even at Thirteen.


4. Skidmore squirrel staring competition. Automatic gold medal guaranteed if you manage to capture one!


5. Staying in the art studios for the longest, and emerging covered in the most paint.


6. Instragramming the artsiest sunset pic over the Tang. Deductions for lame commentary (i.e., “amazing sunset”).


7. Using the phrase “Creative Thought Matters” in the most obscure context. 


8. Sneakily (or not) grabbing the most condoms from the Free Condom Friday booth.


9. Actually attending/participating in a sports event. Triple your score by convincing friends to join you.


10. Surviving the longest in the actual North Woods… without bringing your friend Mary Jane.



It’s time to prove what it really means to be a Skidkid. #SkidmoreOverSochi

Tell us: If Skidmore were Sochi, what other games would we host? Share your ideas in the comments!

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Remy Marin

Skidmore '15

Remy is an English major and dance minor at Skidmore College. In addition to being CC, Remy is the VP of Outreach of Skidmore's peer mediation group and apprentice for Mediation Matters in Saratoga Springs.