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Rewatching “Gossip Girl”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

Watching television shows a second time is always fun to do, but its even better when the show has a mystery or drama aspect. I am re-watching Gossip Girl for the second time, and it is interesting to watch from the perspective of knowing all the secrets. I find myself laughing at the petty drama over being enticed by it because it’s “yesterdays news” to me. The little details become more important and entertaining when the main plot is already revealed. It is interesting that the second time around I’m focusing on finding clue, such as foreshadowing, which prove the conclusion to the mystery.



The biggest mystery in Gossip Girl is, who is Gossip Girl. Knowing who she is while watching the show is a different experience, because it all starts to make sense. Little details she knows, or certain nick names she ha for people all add up when her identity is exposed. Although she puts herself on blast a few times to conceal the truth about the person behind the gossip, there is proof in even the first season that lead to answer to the mystery.

Watching a mystery show but already knowing the mystery takes away some suspense but leaves a new form of entertainment; picking out the small clues that add up to the secrets.

Morgan Fechter

Skidmore '20

CC of HC Skidmore