You’re tired. It’s mid-afternoon and you’ve been up all day going to classes, lugging heavy books around campus, avoiding an awkward encounter with that guy from Falstaff’s that suddenly you see everywhere. Maybe you had an 8 a.m. orgo lab and now you’re stuck on the quiet floor doing endless reading. We understand. Surely no one would notice if you just laid your head down next to your laptop and passed out for 20 minutes…
People are noticing now.
This semester, a new blog, Skidmore Sleepsmore, has surfaced that is dedicated to tracking down and photographing those tuckered out students attempting to get some shut-eye around campus. By the looks of it, no one is safe.
A catnap in Case? Spotted. A quick doze in Dana? Spotted. If you’re planning on taking a nap around campus we suggest you think twice, or at least wear something cute, because your picture very well may be shown to the entire Skidmore community. This got us thinking, what other ways could we chronicle the behavior of the average Skidmore student?
Skidmore Snacks-more. A blog dedicated to photos of students eating meals in places other than D-hall. Did he really just bring a 3-course sushi dinner into the library? Complete with chopsticks and a bottle of soy sauce?
SkidAmore. You know those couples that always feel the need to fill campus with their PDA? Keep it classy, Skidmore.
Overall, Skidmore Sleepsmore is a funny reminder that we’re all human, and we all have our moments of well, utter exhaustion. There’s no shame in needing a quick snooze, and I think we can all bond over the various (and creative!) ways in which we attempt to get our 40-winks. So sleep strong, Skidmore and if you’re unlucky, like the girl this author spotted in Dana recently, you might just become known for your notorious napping.
The opinions of this article do not serve to encourage the creation of similar blogs.